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Františka Bára

Lady (a.k.a. The Lady of Deranged Schemes)

"If you have trouble walking, perhaps I should remove your legs in favour of better ones? No? Your lungs perhaps?"  


Františka Bára was first encountered by Szwin Corva and Sedona after being transported to the first world by Tomar (the Lady's servant and pet). After requesting help from the noblewoman, she confiscated the The Jewel of Anillaxis and made them fight her guards to the death for amusement. Once satisfied, Bára invited them to stay in her keep for as their visit to the first world.   Through the night, Szwin and Sedona became aware of a blight that had taken over several of the keep's fey—causing them to go mad with rage and violence. Under Bára's orders, the two investigated, finding the source of the blight emminating from a tear between the First World and the Abyss. For their assistance in locating the source of the ailment, Bára removed the curses plaguing the elf and transported them both to Last Haven, where she had "other matters" to attend to. She returned Szwin's amulet and advised him to repair it whenever he got the chance.
Current Location
5' 6"
145 lb
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Cover image: gloomy forest by gorchakov.artem


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