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The Wanderer Sedona

Sedona lost her family early when a freak sandstorm hit her homestead. The intense wind weakened the structure of the house, causing it to collapse atop her parents and siblings. She grew up a wanderer, scavenging and stealing food and supplies to get by. Always having the wanderlust, she would never stay in the same town for long. Eventually, she started taking up courier work, never turning down a job no matter how far it would take her or who she would be dealing with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe but strong

Body Features

I mean, they're there, but she's covered in fur

Facial Features

Snout, fur, teeth, and ears of a kit fox

Identifying Characteristics

She usually sticks out due to being a fox-lady

Physical quirks

Squishy to the touch

Special abilities

Can assume the form of a fox (a kit fox specifically) or a human woman; Can alter her appearance as needed over the course of 10 minutes; Dancing lights 3/day spell-like ability

Apparel & Accessories

Tan cloth skirt, leather belt, tan cloth shirt, tan hooded cloak, filter scarf, goggles, tan wide-brimmed hat with earholes

Specialized Equipment

Can lift 4200 pounds over her head thanks to experience and magic items

Mental characteristics

Personal history

>Be Sedona >Grow up a wandering orphan >Take up couriering >Teach self the blade (and chain) >Do more couriering >Meet a cool nerd named Szwin >Try to cross the desert with Szwin >Scorpion chasing a small, strange creature >Now we're in the First World >Oh hey, now everything's wood >Fishface >nope.avi >Szwin drowned >Apparently "soul gems" are illegal >CORVA LIVES (STOMP STOMP) >Building a train station >Oh good, nightmares >Riding a train >Mammaries become vertically inclined >Help kill crocodile man >Stop sabotaged train from Halifax-ing Tattingburn >Yay, minor celebrity! >Boo, nightmares getting worse! And becoming manifest! >Try to find guidance for Szwin >Get completely wasted at the temple of Cayden Cailean >Go back to room >ohgodohfuck.mpeg >Why are we here? And why is the hornboy here? >Stuff is gone >Go search boat >It's in your heeeaaad, in your heeeeeaaad >Fiiishfolk, fiiiishfolk, fiiiishfolk-folk-folk... >Fuck this shit, I'm out (mmm mmm) >Fuck this shit, I'm out (no thanks) >oh god what >nope nope nope >Scale the building, sprint to the door >Awake on a boat in a mangrove >Check below decks >Oh good, viscera everywhere >Szwin's sword lives? Neat! >Why did it have to be snakes >Transcribe deranged scrawling >The room... has a pulse? >nope.avi >I guess I'm steering now >YOU CALL THIS A STORM?! >Oh hey, another boat >Szwin tried to die again >I guess we live with hornboy now

Gender Identity



Bi, very low drive


Minimal at best


Freelance courier

Accomplishments & Achievements

Didn't die to an aboleth (yet), helped kill a rakshasa, helped a lady from the first world; briefly visited The Boneyard

Failures & Embarrassments

Got stuck to a mimic because of a dumb decision, opened a crate full of snakes

Mental Trauma

Lost family to structure collapse, aboleth, friend died for a while, nightmares becoming manifest, terribleness involving mindscapes

Intellectual Characteristics

Reasonably smart, but certainly not wise

Morality & Philosophy

I don't crave conflict But finding myself in one I will not retreat


Excessive violence, evil, drama

Personality Characteristics


Safeguarding that bumbling oaf Szwin, maybe stop the nightmares, maybe unfuck her brain

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Adept: Climbing, acrobatics, couriering   Inept: Reading people, diplomacy, knowing if things are a good idea

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Couriering, meat, coffee, technicalities, messing with Szwin   Dislikes: Drama, dark underwater areas, sandstorms, that book, Szwin dying

Virtues & Personality perks

Would die (and kill) for her friends, tanky AF, good with a blade, blood of a dragon

Vices & Personality flaws

Foolhardy, poor judgement, corrupted by an aboleth, psyche is cracking

Personality Quirks

Reserved, stares off into space a lot




Contacts & Relations

Szwin: Platonic life partner, pet   Savvy: Former boss   Quoice Helltalon: Captain   Danuk Gralar: Acquaintance   Lou Freshblood: Acquaintance

Family Ties

None, all deceased

Religious Views

It's all real, but most of the time she doesn't really care

Social Aptitude

Can intimidate a shady merchant


Reserved, sometimes obnoxious, prone to nope-ing the fuck out and whimsy

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: Szwin   Hobbies: Erotic novels, apparently


Doesn't talk a whole lot

Wealth & Financial state

Several magic items, 7230 gold

Speedy, dexterous fox-lady who likes to work as a freelance courier

Character Location
Current Location
The Crow
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wanderer
A homestead on the edge of the Savaan Desert
Current Residence
The Crow
Gray and tan
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You're not allowed to die!"
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, Tengu, Aklo, Aboleth, Draconic, Dwarven, Goblin, Necril, Elven, Celestial, Abyssal, Ignan