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Martin Holmes

"It's early. It doesn't matter if it's noon; I'm gonna make some coffee."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a sniper, Martin is extremely dexterous and capable of scaling and hiding on buildings, trees, and other surfaces in order to reach a suitable perch. He's incredibly fit, though not physically powerful and can be overpowered—provided an enemy can even make it within a hundred paces of him.

Mental characteristics


Martin is a Lieutenant with the Last Haven city guard. He worked for the position over the course of three years, where he rose through the ranks to serve with the Last Haven Central Guard under Chief Constable Dimrock.   Martin works as an investigator with his partner Lou Freshblood (Reaver) on investigative matters and serves as one of the central reserve commanders during times of crisis (sniping division).

Personality Characteristics


Martin is motivated by a strong sense of tradition and duty to his community. His family has served in the Last Haven city guard for over four generations, and he the role comes as naturally to him as any family tradition. He has a strong moral code that compels him to defend those incapable of defending themselves, and will often put himself in harm's way in to ensure other's safety—regardless of the danger to himself.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Coffee
  • Firearms
  • Theatre
  • The supernatural
  • Paperwork (Dyslexic)


Martin Holmes

Boyfriend (Vital)

Towards Arabella Watts



Arabella Watts

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Martin Holmes




Martin and Arabella met and work in the Last Haven Central Guard station, and began their relationship after Arabella treated Martin for a severe shrattle injury he stubbornly refused to go to a hospital for.   They are careful to keep their interactions at the office professional, both preferring to keep their private life separate. Martin often attends the Last Haven Community Players' theatre productions, where Arabella regularly performs, and Arabella often reads to him in their downtime.

Martin Holmes

Partner (Vital)

Towards Reaver




Partner (Vital)

Towards Martin Holmes




Reaver was assigned to the Last Haven Central Guard under the name Lou Freshblood, where he was partnered with Martin Holmes. Together they solved several petty crimes before stumbling upon messages of the mysterious "Saccharine," and its connection to child abductions throughout Last Haven.   When called to investigate the robbery of flour from a local bakery, the two discovered that children were stealing the wares at the behest of Salvotore Shade (an alchemist working for an unknown benefactor). After putting a stop to Shade's operations, and interrogating him for information, they discovered a similar operation underway in the city of Tattingburn, and set off via the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer to shut it down.   Aboard the maiden voyage of the Skimmer, the two Savannah Zanixis, Szwin Corva, and Sedona T. Wanderer, who had assisted in the construction of Kroll station. The also confronted the fugitives Quoice Helltalon and Danuk Gralar, who were being hunted by the rakshasa Lord Krinskilds. Banding together with their traveling companions, they defeated the rakshasa and took Helltalon and Gralar into custody. The fugitives would later be released as heroes of Last Haven.   After the Kroll incident, Reaver and Martin investigated an orphanage operated by Emlyn Shackleton. She reported a boy named Jack had gone missing, and the two immediately set out to retrieve him. Upon finding and questioning Jack, they came to realize that he had ran away from the orphanage to escape Shackleton. Confronting the matron again, the two realized that she was a witch who had been selling the children to Feywren Elrich, who operated an unlicensed sugar factory in town. Shackleton escaped, after holding Martin hostage and the two left to raid the factory. After being attacked by mind controlled children (who were later killed in a poison cloud), the two found Jack at a portal which he claimed led to Saccharine. Jack vanished, and the two finished cleaning the warehouse.   After the raid, Reaver and Martin were dispatched to Erde to locate Saccharine and stop the abductions once and for all. They travelled with Danuk and Savannah, who had their own business on Erde and could provide assistance in their investigation. After helping Danuk reconcile with his family, the part set off to make the journey into Kessin, in search of Saccharine.

Current Location
with party
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1403 29 Years old
Last Haven, Hfóww Iksfven
Current Residence
Last Haven, Hfóww Iksfven
170 lbs
Aligned Organization


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