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†Franklin Chitterden

(a.k.a. Frank)

"Safe!? SAFE!? My inventions are always—mostly—safe!"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Always in pursuit of the edge of possibility, Frank found his way to Morith Thumar on Hfóww Iksfven, where he spent nine years researching and creating clockwork automatons. In the year, 1432, he met Savannah Zanixis, and would eventually travel to Last Haven with the gnome.   Frank and Savannah shared an apartment in Last Haven, working on separate assignments, for a little over a month until they were invited on the maiden voyage of the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer, by one of their mutual clients: Kidd Kroll. During the voyage, Kroll was revealed to be a powerful Rakshasa known as †Lord Krinskild. Krinskild turned his clockwork guardians upon the patreons aboard the Skimmer, killing most of them—including Frank. Upon his death he bestowed several items to Savannah, who now travels an unknown world to honor his last request.


Recruited at a young age, Frank spent many years as an apprentice of Yarlis Marrethrel, learning the intricacies of clockwork creations, and fascinated by the possibility of creating life from the machine.


Franklin Chitterden was a clocksmith of the Society of Tinkerers, Artisans, and Craftsmen.

Personality Characteristics


Frank was deeply motivated by pushing clockwork engineering to the furthest bounds possible. He did this out of curiosity and a genuine belief that his creations could change the world for the better, but his devotion often lead him to act first and worry about the consequences later.
Chaotic Good
1387 1432 45 years old
Circumstances of Death
Shot by clockwork guardians


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