
This is the title of the sovereign of Orkenmark in the Oeveringian Empire. It is always held by a member of the Orcish nobility. Since AY 612, the holder of the office may be of any gender, though it was traditionally a role reserved for males.


Upon the defeat of Ghrog in AY 437, Kaiser Joren II Orkbandinger executed the Twelve Chiefs of the Orcs. In the place of Ghrog, he named the highly respected warrior and war-band leader, Yugãg Gharolswhelp, to lead the orcs as equal subjects under the crown of Oeveringia. He bestowed the title of Groosãmargraph on him and have him rank and prestige equal to the Grosseherzog of Erbe and the Velkovévoda of Wiesneczy. The move was unpopular, and Yugãg spend the rest of his life quelling minor rebellions. Joren II and his successors, Joren III and Doraeg I spend substantial energy within the Imperial Court to enforce the equality in not only law, but status and respect, for the orcish nobility. by the death of Doraeg in AY 477, however, the status of the orcs as full and equal members of the Empire was cemented.

Nobility, Hereditary
Created by Imperial Decree in AY 437 (7784 AF) by Kaiser Joren II Orkbandiger
Form of Address
His/Her/Their Terrible and Warlike Grace, <Given Name, Family Name, Ordinal, "Called <<nickname>>">, The Groosãmargraph of the Orkenmark, High Chief of the Twelve Tribes
Length of Term
Reports directly to
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