Spicer's Guild of Vvathaf

The Spicer's Guild of Vvathaf wields tremendous economic power in the Free City. The elves of Ãkthithi cultivate several rare spices that flow through Vvathaf via trade agreements. Likewise, rare overseas trade from the continent of Ezhang Liao flows through Vvathaf via the land route from Therizyrng in Relgusie. Finally, the farmland around Vvathaf is well suited to cultivation of several varieties of spice producing crops. All of these factors, coupled with Vvathaf's physical location, which makes for easy shipment to Estinople by sea or to the greater Corvalan continenent to the southwest by land, create an environment where Vvathan spice trade is extremely lucrative.   Until very recently, the Guild has been highly respected. In the last twelve months, raids by the Sirens have disrupted trade from Ãkthithi, as well as outbound shipments bound for Estinople. This has reduced the supply of spices in the city by at least 25%, driving prices beyond the market's ability to sustain on certain commodities. In turn, this means reduced tax revenue for the city, as well as significant loss of income for the the spice merchants and spice mongers.    Recently, it has been uncovered that the Spicer's Guild was under the influence of outside forces. This state of affairs has been corrected, and the spice trade is recovering.


The Guild is led by a single Guildmaster, who is elected by voice vote of the Senior Masters of the Guild upon the death of their predecessor. This Guildmaster is advised, and can be overruled, by the Senior Masters of the Guild. These are members who have achieved the rank of Master and have demonstrated both loyalty to the Guild and sufficient assets to prove their success.   Members who have served as Journeymen under a Master for at least ten years and can demonstrate the financial capability to sustain their own business are promoted to Master, when ratified by the Guildmaster and the Senior Masters.   Members who have served as Apprentices for at least five years and can demonstrate basic competence before the Guildmaster and Senior Masters are promoted to Journeyman, at which point they are expected to abide by the laws, regulations and principles of the Guild and to pay the duties and tithes required of a member of the Guild. A Journeyman many operate independently, but does so under the supervision of a Master and must pay a tithe of their income to their Master for that service.   A Master may take on no more than three Apprentices, whose upkeep, training and comportment are the Master's responsibility. No person may be an Apprentice for more than eight years. Usually, Apprentices are simply the children of the Masters or Journeymen under their supervision, but Apprenticeships can occasionally be bought.  

Two General Branches

There are two branches of the Spicer's Guild - the Merchants and the Mongers.   Merchants Merchants are concerned with the distribution of spice. They import, export, and (when necessary) warehouse spices, which they sell to Mongers or to merchants in other cities. They are also the link between the Guild and the producers and will purchase spices at auction and other agricultural markets.   Mongers Mongers are the retail arms of the Guild. They sell the spices to the end user. Few Mongers achieve the rank of Master, though some few do, often overseeing dozens of Mongers in the markets of the city. Master Mongers, though far few in number than Master Merchants often rival or eclipse their Merchant peers in terms of raw wealth.
Consortium, Business
Related Ranks & Titles


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