The Brick

The Brick is the name of the department within the Constabulary which handles prisons and executions.


There are three divisions of the Brick.  

The Jail

The jail is a small cell block within the brick overseen by the Head Jailer. It includes communal cells for transient inmates (drunks, etc.) as well as more secure individual cells for inmates who have been arrested for crimes an must be questioned or held for trial. It also includes, unfortunately, the office of the Questioner, who is in charge of extracting confessions from suspected criminals, by torture, if necessary.  

The Prison

The prison is overseen by the Warden. It houses debtors and other civil violators unable to make restitution to the parties they injured, after a judgement is rendered against them in court. The cells for these inmates are communal.   It also features smaller communal cells for convicted criminals and very secure individual cells for political prisoners who are sent to the Brick by the Councilor.  

The Gallows

The Gallows are not literal gallows. It is the office of the executioner and his assistants. It is the smallest sub-department of the Brick.
Governmental, Department
Parent Organization


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