The Elves Arise

Corellon Larethian and the orc god Gruumsh have hated one another from the beginning of all that is or ever will be. Their hate is and has always been eternal and infinite.   Long ago, before the ages of time or the scrolls of history, in the time that is only legend, or perhaps not even that, Corellon and Larethian met in battle upon Arborea. They traced and foined for ages of the Multiverse, each contending to gain the upper hand over the other. At length, Corellon struck Gruumsh in the eye, ruining it, but at the same time, Gruumsh drew his foul blade across Corellon's belly, spilling their blood.    Gruumsh fled, and Corellon fell to one knee, and their blood spilled out in great freshets. Everywhere the blood touched the earth, creatures arose, similar in form to Corellon, but in male and female forms. These creatures became the first Eladrin, and they healed Corellon's wounds, and so, Corellon survived.   Now, the Eladrin were wild, so Corellon was very pleased. He told them that he would be pleased if they did what they wished, went where they wished, and told him what they wished about what they learned in their travels. Most remained on Arborea and explored that great plane, but others asked for a new home, and Corellon took them to the Feywild, a land of wonder and chaos, where the Eladrin could be free. Over many ages and times of the Multiverse, some of these Eladrin became the elves as we know them today, who are the offspring of Corellon.


Corellon Larethian gets in a fight with the orcish god Gruumsh. The two wound each other, but the blood that Corellon spills literally becomes the first Eladrin.

Historical Basis

Unclear, but widely accepted as fact amongst elves (including, it should be noted, the Drow).

In Literature

There is one surviving epic poem that relates this story - Nu Qorellyanun. It is written in Sylvan and appears to be quite ancient.


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