The Goddess

Long ago, before our brethren, the People Who Are No People* sundered themselves from us, the Goddess was. She walked along the glades and valleys of Alzhonar. She drank from Azhonar’s crystal waters. She breathed the clean air and slept beneath the blanket of night. After a time, she said, "I wish someone with whom to share my joy in the goodness that is Alzhonar, and, indeed, in all the Multiverse. I shall make a companion for myself, and they shall delight in Alzhonar. So she raised up from the soil a genderless creature of great beauty, and she named them Corellon Larethion.  When she saw what she had made, she loved them, and she taught them how to craft things from the bounty of Alzhonar, both using their hands and using the essence of the Multiverse from which to craft those things. Later, Corellon would teach those crafts to the children of their blood.  
  • From The Goddess and Corellon Larethion, an ancient pre-elven oral history, here heavily translated and interpreted by the sage Amsharath Baidthushain.
  • Divine Symbols & Sigils

    Many elves carry a small likeness of the Goddess on their person. Some of these likenesses are quite basic – a few leaves wrapped around twigs bound in a vaguely humanoid shape. Others are very intricate and detailed. It is believed that the important thing is for the bearer of the likeness to fashion it themselves, regardless of their artistic ability.

    Tenets of Faith

    • The Goddess is greatest of all elvish deities
    • The Goddess is the creator of Corellon Larethion
    • Respect for all of nature, without judgement. Cockroaches and carrion worms are as sacred as majestic stags.
    • The inherent balance of nature. This does not translate to the rejection of good and evil. Instead, “good” is defined as anything the defends and preserves the balance, while evil consists of all those things that destroy or defile the natural order.

    Divine Goals & Aspirations

    The Goddess promotes natural, balanced life. She eschews cultured displays of life and growth, which occasionally puts her clergy at odds with High Elven culture, but never in a destructive or openly combative way.   The Goddess stands against all forms of undeath and aberration, though she does not oppose monstrosity, which she views as simply a different type of natural being.

    Physical Description

    Body Features

    In appearance, she is a vaguely humanoid feminine figure with green, bark-like skin, mossy hair and amber eyes. She never appears clothed, though her nudity is not erotic in any way. She simply seems. . . natural.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    The Goddess has no proper name, only her title. She seems to be a Great Old One, predating the origin of the Elvish Pantheon. Indeed, no serious theological or other scholar debates the universal belief that she is the creator of Corellon Larethion, which may be unique in all of cosmology.


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