Council of Yerukâs

The Council of Yerukâs was more properly known as the Twelve Yerukâs of Corellon Larethian. Led by the High Priest, or Yeruk Chish, they governed the worship of Corellon Larethian among the Ãkthunic Elves. In recent times, they were also the ruling body of Ãkthi, itself, following their armed deposition of Tuh-Shenfadth Lîfidîth. When she briefly returned to power in 8089, they were utterly destroyed.


There were eleven Yerukâs who advised the Yeruk Chish. They did so in open debate, but also by vote. The Yeruk Chish did not vote in council, instead presiding, within certain established rules. When the Council passed a resolution, it had to be posted throughout Ãkthi for a period of ten days, with the votes in assent and dissent listed. At the end of that period, the Yeruk Chish could act in accordance with the resolution or could veto it and take whatever action they deemed appropriate, but the people would know that they had gone against the will of the Council.

Public Agenda

The Council of Yerukâs had several public policy agenda points.
  • Find and destroy Lîfidîth's reliquary. This was originally a much higher priority for the Council than it eventually became. They maintained lip-service to this goal, but devoted only two scholars to research, and no field operatives of any kind to the search.
  • Re-establishment Ãkthi as a Power on Corvalis. The Council believed that the ascendancy of humans left a great deal to be desired, in terms of culture, art, and refinement. It was their belief and intent that the re-establishment of Ãkthi as a Power on the continent would elevate these qualities. They were actively pursuing this agenda point, but did so with an elvish sense of time. Their efforts were centered around the civilizations on the Mare Orientalem.
  • Promote the Welfare of Elves throughout Corvalis. The Council believed that elves are marginalized in many societies and actively worked through diplomacy to change that dynamic.


The Council of Yerkâs was founded in deep antiquity. Eventually, it was this council that deposed the Lich Queen in 7984 AF. Upon doing so, the Yeruk Chish assumed the throne of Ãkthi, in addition to their other duties. Two Yeruk Chishâs held the throne - Efelun I and Efelun II.


On 57 Thuyir in the 8089th year since the Founding, Lîfidîth returned from her banishment. When she did so, she directed a cadre of assassins from Abæthegar to slay every living member of the priesthood of Corellon Larethian. This act of religious and political assassination ended the Council of Yerukâs.


Antiquity - 57 Thuyir 8089

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Though there is little trade done within the realm in currency, the Council has established a currency for trade with outsiders.
  • Reimâsh - a platinum coin
  • Corel - a gold coin
  • Cicorel - a silver coin valued at one tenth of a Corel
  • Thucorel - a silver coin valued at one one-hundredth of a Corel
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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