The Evvinar Graveyard



Members of the party respond to a job posting by the Temple of Ron to investigate strange happenings in the Evvinar Graveyard.

Bawub, Rhapsody and Nak'cue chose to respond to a widely published notice, which read:

SEEKING, one or more individuals of capable means and hearty constitution to investigate unusual activity in the Evvinar Graveyard. Interested parties should seek out Eskrin Murivvu of the Office of Final Repose at the Temple of Ron in the Central District.
Upon inquiring, they learned that around a month past, random tombstones and crypt seals had begun to be defaced with carved runes. Two nights prior, all the carved runes began to glow, and when the grave keeper tried to investigate, a great wind drove him back into his shed. The wind did not extend beyond the graveyard.   The Council of Vvathaf, in conjunction with the Temples of Thunir and Ron were offering payment depending upon the results an individual or group might be able to provide, as follows:
  • Payment of 2,500 gold for information about the runes, their purpose, and their origin, OR
  • Payment of 7,500 gold for proof that the source of the vandalism had been dealt with AND the magic or other power associated with the glowing runes and wind had been neutralized.
The three adventurers spoke to the grave keeper. After some dissembling, he revealed that when the runes began to glow, he did not, in fact investigate, but locked himself in his shed, instead. The wind never happened, and was just a ruse to cover his cowardice.   The runes, themselves, were still glowing. The party investigated them, and with help from a minor scribe from the Temple of Ron, the were able to determine that they were words, written in Infernal. Most of the tombstones had only random words upon them, but two tomb seals had true inscriptions carved in them. The first read:
"Come, Lord Belial. Bring to us your unholy suffering as a reward. Bring your cleansing punishment to this world. Join us here, we beseech you."
The second tomb seal that had been defaced bore a longer and more formal inscription:
"We beseesh thee, O Archdevil, O Master of Suffering, known to we who are unworthy as Belial, send us thy avatar. Carry with they thy suffering with which to clease us and this world. Cleanse us, we beg the, for we seek the agony of thy suffering. Please, O Great One, we beg thee, send us thy avatar."
Upon inspection, the intrepid investigators discovered that the seal was disturbed and tracks led into and out of the tomb. They ventured inside, finding an Infernum dedicated to Belial. It was populated by fanatical cultists and creatures of the Nine Hells. In the Most Damned of Unholies, they found a bone devil, whom Belial had sent to test the cultists. They defeated him, and ended the threat to the graveyard.

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