The Dragon Wars

A timeline of the various conflicts and events that occured during the Dragon Wars.

Age of Dragons

639 1587

  • 32 AoD

    Rise of Magical Ambition

    Mortal mages become increasingly ambitious, seeking greater control over magical forces.
      Tensions rise as mortals experiment with forbidden spells and rituals, alarming the dragons.

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  • 153 AoD

    The Cataclysmic Confluence
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group of mortals attempts a ritual to tap into the essence of magic, resulting in a catastrophic surge of uncontrollable magical energy.
      Dragons perceive the disturbance as a threat to the natural balance and declare it the catalyst for war.

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  • 154 AoD

    The Dragon Wars Begins
    Military: War

    A council of ancient dragons declares war on mortal realms to curb the reckless use of magic and restore the natural order.   Dragons descend from their mountain lairs, initiating widespread conflict.

    More reading
    The Dragon Wars
    Additional timelines
  • 155 AoD

    204 AoD

    Magical Confrontations (Early years of the Dragon Wars)
    Military: War

    The skies of Strathnora become battlegrounds as dragons and mortal mages engage in intense magical duels.   Landscapes are reshaped, and entire civilizations suffer under the destructive forces of both dragons and mortal sorcerers.

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  • 155 AoD

    Clash of the White Peaks
    Military: Battle

    Early conflict erupts as dragons descend upon the White Peaks on Eagos, a strategic mountain range housing ancient dragon lairs.   Mortal mages attempt to defend their magical repositories in the peaks, leading to intense magical duels in the skies.

  • 160 AoD

    Riftwood Border Skirmish
    Military: Skirmish

    At the border of the Riftwood—a mystical forest with unpredictable magical phenomena—dragon scouts and mortal explorers have a chance encounter.   The skirmish that follows is marked by the unpredictable nature of the Riftwood, introducing wild magic into the confrontation.

  • 168 AoD

    Shoreline Scuffle
    Military: Skirmish

    A small coastal village becomes the site of a scuffle when a lone dragon, driven by hunger or curiosity, descends upon the settlement.    Local militia and fishermen unite to repel the dragon, marking a minor confrontation that tests the ability of mortals to fend off isolated dragon threats.

  • 178 AoD

    220 AoD

    Siege of Afil'Quah
    Military action

    The Elven city of Afil'Quah, a major center of magical knowledge, becomes a focal point of conflict.   Dragons lay siege to the city, unleashing devastating breath weapons, while mortal mages defend with powerful wards and counter-spells.

  • 184 AoD

    Starshard Uprising
    Military: Battle

    A faction of mortals discovers a long-lost artifact known as the Starshard, said to possess the power to control draconic magic. Dragons, wary of the potential threat, move to prevent the artifact's misuse.   The ensuing battle unfolds across diverse landscapes as both sides vie for control over the powerful relic.

  • 203 AoD

    Nomadic Tribe Ambush
    Military: Skirmish

    A nomadic mortal tribe, traversing the plains with their herds, unintentionally enters dragon hunting grounds. The dragons, territorial and protective of their hunting territories, launch an ambush.   The nomads, resourceful and skilled in guerrilla tactics, respond to the surprise attack.

  • 205 AoD

    393 AoD

    Heroes and Sacrifices (Mid-Dragon Wars)
    Military: War

    Heroes emerge on both sides, attempting to end the conflict through diplomacy or force.   Tales of bravery and sacrifice spread as individuals attempt to bridge the gap between dragons and mortals.

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  • 209 AoD

    Skirmish at the Crystal Spire
    Military: Skirmish

    A group of daring mortals attempts to harness the magical energies emanating from the Crystal Spire, a mystical structure connected to the ley lines of Strathnora.   Dragons intervene to prevent the ritual, leading to a fierce confrontation.

  • 210 AoD

    The Eclipse Confrontation
    Military: Skirmish

    Mortal mages attempt to harness the power of a rare celestial event known as the Dragon's Eclipse. Dragons, sensing the potential danger, converge on the site to prevent the manipulation of these unique cosmic energies.    The resulting battle unfolds amidst the darkened skies, with both sides seeking to control the mystical forces unleashed during the eclipse.

  • 221 AoD

    The Destruction of Afil'Quah
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Afil'Quah eventually loses the years long siege by the Dragons, being completely raised to the ground.   The Dragons occupy the ruins of the city to act as a new base of operations for the war effort.

  • 230 AoD

    Creation of the Kobolds
    Life, Birth

    The Dragons, in an attempt to create more soldiers, use powerful magics to combine their Draconic essence with mortal prisoners of war.   This results in the creation of the Kobold species.

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  • 233 AoD

    Harvest Standoff
    Military: Skirmish

    In the fertile farmlands of Sylviara, mortal farmers discover that dragons are drawn to the abundance of livestock and crops.    A standoff ensues as farmers and local militia attempt to protect their harvest, leading to a brief but intense clash with dragons seeking sustenance.

  • 244 AoD

    Frostspire Hold Siege
    Military action

    Dragons, influenced by a faction seeking to undermine the peace, launch a siege on Frostspire Hold—a major mortal city built within a frigid mountain range.   Mortals, hardened by years of conflict, rally to defend their home, leading to a battle in the frozen heights that tests the resilience of both sides.

  • 261 AoD

    Island Sanctuary Skirmish
    Military: Skirmish

    A secluded island, considered a sanctuary by both dragons and mortals, becomes the stage for a minor skirmish when a group of treasure hunters attempts to raid an ancient dragon hoard.   Both sides intervene to protect the sanctity of the island, resulting in a brief but intense confrontation.

  • 273 AoD

    283 AoD

    Battle of the Verdant Glades
    Military: Battle

    The once lush and vibrant Verdant Glades witness a brutal battle as dragons and mortal forces clash over control of the fertile lands.   The glades become a battleground of both magical and physical might, resulting in significant casualties on both sides.

  • 285 AoD

    Whispering Woods Ambush
    Military: Skirmish

    A group of rogue dragons, discontent with the ongoing negotiations and seeking to continue the war, launches a surprise attack on a diplomatic envoy traveling through the ancient Whispering Woods.    Mortal and dragon diplomats fight for survival while defending the fragile peace talks.

  • 297 AoD

    Cursed Forest Encounter
    Military: Skirmish

    Mortal hunters exploring the edge of the Cursed Forest accidentally intrude upon a dragon's nesting territory.    The resulting confrontation is marked by swift skirmishes as both sides navigate the treacherous terrain, with the forest itself presenting an additional challenge to all involved.

  • 311 AoD

    Creation of the Orcs
    Life, Birth

    Dragons, seeking to create more robust soldiers than their last attempt, perform experiments on powerful mortals, creating a species of fast breeding warriors.   Many Dragons are disgusted by this act, though most see the need for shock troops.

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  • 320 AoD

    Storming of the Celestial Citadel
    Military: Battle

    Mortals attempt to storm the Celestial Citadel, a floating fortress where dragons convene for council and decision-making.   Dragons defend their ancient stronghold, resulting in an awe-inspiring aerial battle with magical clashes echoing through the skies. The Citadel is ultimately destroyed, sending it crashing into the continent of Skipta, splitting it in two.

  • 327 AoD

    Mystic Isle Skirmish
    Military: Skirmish

    The Mystic Isle, a remote and sacred location with ties to ancient dragon rituals, becomes the focal point of a skirmish. Mortal adventurers, driven by a desire for knowledge and power, clash with dragons who guard the island's secrets.    The battle spills across the isle's mystical landscapes, each side vying for control over the ancient knowledge held within.

  • 329 AoD

    Market District Disturbance
    Military: Skirmish

    A group of adventurous mages attempts to open a magical portal in the bustling market district of a major city. Dragons, sensing the disturbance, intervene to prevent potential chaos.    The ensuing magical skirmish disrupts the market and prompts a response from local magical authorities.

  • 363 AoD

    Confrontation at the Elemental Nexus
    Military: Battle

    Mortal mages attempt to manipulate the Elemental Nexus, a convergence of elemental energies, to gain an advantage.   Dragons, sensing the disruption to the natural balance, intervene to prevent catastrophic consequences, leading to a chaotic confrontation.

  • 368 AoD

    Lunar Veil Assault
    Military: Battle

    Dragons, influenced by celestial alignments, launch a coordinated assault on the Lunar Veil—a floating city suspended in the skies. Mortals, forewarned by seers and diviners, fortify their defenses to protect this crucial hub of magical research and knowledge.    The ensuing battle tests both sides' aerial combat prowess and magical capabilities. The battle ends when the mages inside the floating city rip a hole in the weave and transport the Lunar Veil to an unknown plane.

  • 375 AoD

    The Battle of Shattered Spires
    Military: Battle

    A pivotal battle takes place in the ruins of Afil'Quah, the once grand capital city of the Elves.   Dragons and mortal forces engage in a prolonged conflict, with the ruins themselves becoming conduits for magical surges.

  • 377 AoD

    Mountain Pass Ambush
    Military: Skirmish

    A narrow mountain pass becomes the setting for an ambush as a faction of dragons attempts to cut off a mortal supply route.    Mortal scouts and skirmishers engage in hit-and-run tactics to disrupt the dragon advance, leading to a series of minor clashes in the mountainous terrain.

  • 379 AoD

    Crimson Gorge Incursion
    Military: Skirmish

    A group of renegade mortal mages, frustrated with the slow progress of peace, taps into forbidden blood magic to summon powerful demonic entities to aid them in the war.    Dragons intercept this dark ritual at the Crimson Gorge, leading to a chaotic confrontation where the lines between mortal and infernal forces blur.

  • 386 AoD

    Showdown at the Dragon's Maw
    Military: Battle

    The Dragon's Maw, a mystical portal to other realms, becomes a point of contention as both dragons and mortals seek to harness its powers.   The battle culminates in a climactic showdown, with the fate of Strathnora hanging in the balance.

  • 388 AoD

    Emberheart Citadel Standoff
    Military: Battle

    Dragons, suspicious of mortal activities near the Emberheart Citadel—an ancient dragon burial ground—descend upon the location to investigate.    Mortals, driven by archaeological curiosity and a desire for artifacts, resist the dragon intrusion, sparking a tense standoff that escalates into a full-blown conflict.

  • 389 AoD

    River Crossing Confrontation
    Military: Skirmish

    Mortal settlers, seeking to establish new territories, clash with dragons when attempting to cross a crucial river.    The dragons, protective of their domains, resist the mortal expansion, leading to a series of skirmishes along the riverbanks as both sides vie for control of the strategic crossing.

  • 392 AoD

    Final Skirmish at The Silver Cascade
    Military: Skirmish

    The war nears its end at the Silver Cascade, a location with profound magical significance.   Dragons and mortals, weary from years of conflict, engage in a final, desperate skirmish that ultimately leads to the negotiation of the Treaty of Draconic Accord.

  • 394 AoD

    395 AoD

    The Turning Point (Later Years of the Dragons Wars)
    Political event

    Realization of the devastating toll prompts leaders on both sides to seek resolution.   Negotiations begin, leading to the recognition of the need for a new accord to prevent total annihilation.

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  • 395 AoD

    The Treaty Summit at Draconic Spire
    Diplomatic action

    Rather than a battle, this marks the final turning point where representatives from both dragons and mortals come together to negotiate peace.   The Treaty of Draconic Accord is signed at the Draconic Spire, ending the Dragon Wars and laying the foundation for a new era of cooperation in Strathnora.

  • 396 AoD

    The Treaty of Draconic Accord (End of the Dragon Wars)
    Gathering / Conference

    Representatives from dragons and mortals negotiate the terms of a treaty to end the conflict.   The Treaty of Draconic Accord is established, setting guidelines for the responsible use of magic and fostering cooperation between dragons and mortals.

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