There are many languages spoken in the City State of Styx and the wider Great Cavern of Aman-ya.
The primary languages of Styx are Umbraen Elvish, the native tongue of the Sumraki-Ashaī and Undercommon, a pidgin language of the various languages of the Great Cavern.
Other languages spoken in the region include:Steinntung Dwarven
Avvram Gnomish
Yarikhel Orcish
Sattal Humanish
The Partially Lost Language of the Ma'tika Which Has No Name.
Commonly known but hardly spoken within Styx is Old Church Umbraen Elvish, an obsolete and ancient form of the language which the Code of Serkatha was written in.
Rare languages that are known to some among the masses of Styx include:Infernal
Rùkǒu Tongue
Other languages spoken in the region include:
Rare languages that are known to some among the masses of Styx include: