Aman-ya Geographic Location in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil


Aman-ya is the name given to the great cavern that the City State of Styx is located in.
The name was given by the Forestfolk who are indigenous to the caverns and though the Sumraki-Ashaī displaced them they still use this name.

Aman-ya is located under the Scorched Lands.

Some of the geographical features found in this cavern are the Leshivoi Forest, the Obsidian Sea (and Obsidian Coast region), Lake Aphon with the City State of Styx surrounding it, the Western Serpent of Styx, Eastern Serpent of Styx and Northern Serpent of Styx which feed into it as well as the Abyssal Whyrl of Umbrae and the Chasm of Umbrae to the east of the city.

North-west of Styx lies the Kingdom of Darklight and the snowy Sixteen Peaks of Peryknos mountain chain, directly north of the city lie the mushroom forests of Dru-andor.
South of Styx lies the Duchy of Sharhaven, a naval nation with great trading power.

Way south west from there lies the Dwergynlaw, a Dwarven colony built within the sprawling ruins of a subterranean complex built by an unknown race before the onset of the Bright.


  • Great Cavern of Aman-ya
    The Great Cavern of Aman-ya is one of the largest caverns of the Western Deeplands. It is so enormous that within it oceans and forests exist that are hardly recognizable as cave-biospheres. Aman-ya is home to a number of nations like the City State of Styx, the Duchy of Sharhaven and the Kingdom of Darklight.
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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