Arch Patriach of the Otonian Order Rank/Title in Sufera | World Anvil
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Arch Patriach of the Otonian Order


Must be:
  • Minister for 15 years
  • Have performed Acts using powers bestowed by Divine
  • Charity work for at least 2 years
  • Requirements

    Candidates with Draconic features are considered better candidates as they are closer to The Divine


    A ceremony is held within the Citadel of Gahlaku City, whereby:
  • Their name is removed, they are reborn as the Arch Patriach,
  • Their face is hidden by the ceremonial mask, not to be seen in public anymore
  • Their possessions are sold away, commonly for pennies to poor neighbourhoods
  • Their clothes are burnt, only their robes remain
  • With this, the person they were before is dead, they have become their role entirely and they are sworn into their duties.
    Religious, Clerical
    Form of Address
    His Lordship, Arch Patriach, His Holyness
    Equates to
    Higher than all other titles in states that follow Otonian
    Source of Authority
    Elected by Ministers of Oton
    Length of Term
    Related Locations
    Related Organizations


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