Gahlaku City Settlement in Sufera | World Anvil
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Gahlaku City (Gah-lah-ku City)

The Capital and oldest city of the Mythlulian Empire, the center of Pilgrames and trade for the Empire


Stone wall surrounds the "core" of the city The Cliff, Old Town, and Parts of Honeygate, Ratgate and Eastway are safely surrounded by this   The wall is built with turrets spread equally around the wall, manned at all hours in case of attack

Industry & Trade

The culture of the Mythlulian Empire creates the obligation to pilgramage to Gahlaku City at least, allowing for a constant influx of pilgrams and their funds.   Because of this, there is a very active trading market in the Old Town district. With merchants bringing their wears to pawn off to unsuspecting pilgrams


  • Bread Borough
  • HoneyGate
  • RatGate
  • The Cliff
  • Old Town
  • Eastway
  • Black Chapel
  • West District
  • Guilds and Factions

    Silver Wing Tribe are so named after the original tribe of the empires founder, Candac Mythlulia, and represent the ruling class over the empire. Comprised of the Emperor himself and his closest advisors, they are seen as the highest of the nobles.


    Said to have been founded by Candac Mythlulia himself in 1423 after conquering his way from one ocean to another. The city was made into a psuedo-holy site by its strong presence in the culture of the Empire, as well as the influences from the Otonian religion they practice.   In 1458 EM, the Empire began skirmishes with Goralldom that resulted in the first siege of the city, lasting a month, before concessions were made.   This day was considered a dramatic embarrassment to Candac Mythlulia and defenses were increased immediatly to the level they are now, still standing almost 1000 years later
    Founding Date
    1423 EM
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Ruling/Owning Rank


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