Bhiccag Settlement in Sufera | World Anvil
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Capital of the United Provinces of Rigin and one of the most populous cities in Sufera, despite its countable population not reflecting this. Those studying at Kamerran School of the Arcane are also considered to be living in Bhicagg and thus increase the population of the town significantly.


Bhicagg is owned by the State directly, but managed by the Duke Ebolide. All taxes must pass through the Duke before maing its way to the state, similar for any directives for how the city should be ran. This places a lot of potential power in the Dukes hands, the extent of potential damage he could cause is immeasurable.

Industry & Trade

Bhicagg hosts both the Kamerran School of the Arcane and the Headquarters for the Certification Bureau, placing them in a position to receive great footfall from amgically inclined people. As a result it is considered a great stop for magical items of many kinds, though their legitimacy can certainly be questioned.


After the Unification of Rigin, the now joined states had to determine where best to host their capital.   It was decided to place it on an otherwise uninhabited penisula, to symbolise a fresh start for everyone in Rigin, but also to have it accessible by sea and nearby the other nearby States in case of immigration and trade from them.   The cities early days where marred with problems, the ground too dry and sandy to grow crops, and the miniscule number of people that had moved there. It was then, that a powerful wizard made a deal with the city. For claim of nearby land, with no expenses or taxes, but all the benefits of such, that he would fix their issues.   After the signing of the contract, in an instant, tree sprouted around the city, the once barren savannah now a full forrest. The dry sandy soil replaced with rich loam. The effects were terrific for the struggling city, and even worked to promote it to others, as the formerly poor leadership now had seemed to stop at nothing for their citizens, and soon new populace made their way to settle.   The Wizard that had assisted Bhicagg was paid as expected in the land and the infrastructure, where he built the Kamerran School of the Arcane

Points of interest

  • Kamerran School of the Arcane
  • Certification Bureau HQ
  • Type
    Large town
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Bhiccags, Caggers
    Location under
    Owning Organization


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