United Provinces of Rigin Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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United Provinces of Rigin


Upor is a federal republic containing 3 provinces, 1 for dwarves, another for Elves, and another for the Humans. These provinces are internally self governing, hosting their own elections for their governments that are capable of enacting laws for their province. They also each elect a representative for the Parliament of Rigin.   The elected parliamentary representatives of the 3 Provinces within Rigin meet at their center, in the parlimentary building within the tiny village of Pirecalld.   These representatives handle the plans for the entirety of Rigin, no laws are enacted in reference only to provinces, and any business must apply to the entirety of Rigin or else it is not enacted. In extreme cases, as allowed by their constitution, they may overrule laws enacted in individual provinces, should they have just reasons to do so (i.e it affects another province despite not being enacted there)   In International events involving other Heads of State, the 3 parliamentary representatives would be the Heads of State, but officially are only seen to be acting as representatives of the Parliament, which is the true Head of State.


By design, Upor is a conglomerate of 3 different races and cultures that previously held hostilities towards eachother, that are now united together.   The goal of the Unification of Rigin was to allow the cultures of the races to change naturally to a more inclusive one, without the need for bloodshed or forcing values. The removal of borders and active efforts by the Parliament to

Public Agenda

Upor had a previously strong and friendly connection with the neighbouring state of the Gnomic Meritocracy.
However, since their annexation by the hand of the Myhtlulian Empire, the formerly distant warmongerer has made their way to their borders and devoured their allies.
The current Parliament of Rigin has made promises to deal with the potential threat of the invaders, with some of the campaigns even speaking of freeing the Meritocracy from its oppresors


United in Interest and Purpose

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Rigin, Upor (UPoR)
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Each of the Provinces mints their own versions of the standardised coins, (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper), with designs of their choosing, often Based around years or Holidays
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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