Laku, Dragon of Transmutation Character in Sufera | World Anvil
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Laku, Dragon of Transmutation

The Impure One

Cave Dragon that was former the Holder of the School of Transmutation, before his death resulting from the Dragon War

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The source of The Dragon War, Laku spent 14 years corrupting the nearby Humanoids of Ilor into his violent army to lead against the other Dragons.   He was defeated when Novax, Dragon of Divination was able to forsee his plans, and lay a trap for him. At his final battle, the trap was sprung as hundreds of Mages gathered and channeled a spell to sap him of his remaining years, and bury him within the Chrysalis   After the war concluded, Laku was partially resurrected by Erebus, Dragon of Necromancy to restore the school of Transmutation to the world. However, he was not fully resurrected, and so remains in his tomb suffering at near death. With his soul bound to Erebus, any attempt to change this will be noticed...
Current Location
Tendrils that could sharpen on command
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow and Dark brown scales
Ruled Locations


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