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Day 27: Moulting

General Summary

Day 27 (Xololuna 3, 735/Marpenoth 13, 1494)

The party is relieved to see Ayduin wake up from his trance seemingly feeling more like himself again (and certainly smelling more like himself), only to be perturbed when Bodaway wakes up with the worst case of dry eye Barovia has ever seen. The party discusses how to proceed, including the idea of half-blind Bodaway, Osrin, and Ri-An going alone on what's either a diplomatic mission or a life or death situation at the Fidatov estate, and the DM works very hard not to have facial expressions. Klavdiya comes up and points out that they have no idea what they're walking into and also reminds them that commoners have 4 hit points, and an AC and Wisdom score of 10. They decide that maybe going to the Fidatov estate in their current condition isn't the best idea, and instead Sylvain and Ayduin agree to go gather intel in town, while Osrin and Ri-An go hunting to try to provide Good Meats to endear themselves and their pet commoners to the town of Krezk, and Bodaway has a nice bonding session with Savva, complete with push-ups and storytime. Osrin and Ri-An bring back some dire wolves, Sylvain and Ayduin bring back some gossip and possible compromises, and the party makes an early night of it, hoping Bodaway's eyes will be better tomorrow. Bodaway has a vivid dream of Strahd, uh, saving the people of Vallaki from the Reformation Centre, from the perspective of Funda. The party is abruptly woken up by a very chipper Woman in Black skipping through the door with a whole gaggle of (mostly dead) Vistani behind her, and she informs them they needn't bother themselves, as she's just there to schedule some resurrections! The gang goes, "...kay."


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