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Krezk is possibly the smallest town in Barovia. It is physically comparable in size to the village of Barovia, but it's difficult to say which village has a smaller population, as most Barovian residents tend to hide in their homes for much of the day and several others are zombies, while a great deal of the real estate in Krezk is taken up by trees.   Krezk, located in northwest Barovia, has a reputation of being insular even by Barovian standards. However, it is generally possible to get into Krezk if one comes bearing something useful — including a willingness to work hard to earn one's keep — or if one is headed for the Abbey, due to most Krezkites' general fear of the mysterious Abbot and their unwillingness to interfere in his affairs.  


Krezk's history is largely unknown to our heroes. However, the Abbey of St. Markovia has played a large part in its history — initially as a safe haven from the evils of the land, when under the control of St. Markovia herself, and now as a subject of fear and rumour under control of the Abbot.   The Krezkov family has been around for some time, as Davian Martikov disclosed that the Wizard of Wines winery originally belonged to them, before it passed to the Martikovs some generations ago via marriage.  

Notable Locations

The Abbey of St. Markovia

The Abbey of St. Markovia was once a holy place led by its eponymous saint, who gained renown throughout Barovia for her willingness to stand up against Strahd. However, after her death, the abbey fell into disrepair and corruption. Most recently, it has become the home of the mysterious creature known only as the Abbot; horrible sounds come from the abbey now, and most Krezkites avoid the place entirely.  

The Krezkovs' Cottage

Home to Burgomaster Dmitriv Krezkov, his wife Anna, and until recently their son Ilya. A modest cottage, if slightly larger than others around Krezk.  

The Sheep Pen

Though most Krezkites have small pens for chickens, goats, pigs, and other livestock as part of the village's self-sufficient economy, the village's sheep have been looked after in large part by Luca at a communal pen. After recent events involving the Krezkovs' resurrected son, there are far fewer sheep there than there would normally be — but far more sheep than there would have been had our heroes not intervened.  

The Shrine of the White Sun

A shrine to Lathander erected in St. Markovia's time, this location — comprised mostly of a pool of blessed water and a timeworn gazebo featuring a wooden depiction of Lathander himself — has lost much of the power it once had, though its waters still have limited healing capabilities to those who drink them.  

Notable Residents

The Abbot

The Abbot rarely steps into Krezk itself, and most Krezkites prefer it that way. Can I be honest? Sometimes he's a little off-putting. He may or may not mean well.  

Valentina Belasco

The local blacksmith, Valentina specialized in armour rather than weapons, though given the limited materials for smithing in Krezk, she had few opportunities to practice her craft. She is a large, muscular, redheaded woman with a no-nonsense attitude. She was abducted by the local werewolf pack, and now lives among them.  


The Abbot's most faithful servant, one of his many misshapen الهجين. Two-headed and hunched over, with a crab's pincer for a left hand and a bear's paw for a right foot, Clovin's main responsibility seems to be feeding the rest of the النغمات. He smells strongly of wine, and it was his room that Ismark recuperated in after his resurrection — this seems to also be where Ireena recovered from her own resurrection a few days before. Judging by the music that floated down from the room the second night our heroes spent in Krezk, he may be a musician of some talent.  

Anna Krezkova

Anna Krezkova is a dark-haired woman in her mid-fifties around 5'6". The burgomaster's wife, she began to steal local livestock to feed their son Ilya after he began to display an unusually ferocious appetite following his resurrection by the Abbot. She did her best to conceal her crime, trying to shift suspicion onto Ezmerelda d'Avenir in particular as it was unknown how Ezmerelda had entered Krezk, but when pressed she let the party try to help. It was for a time unknown how Anna has coped with the most recent death of Ilya, or what consequences she would face for her actions. However, on later visits to Krezk and Berez, they learned that when the Krezkovs were exiled, while Dmitri ended up in the Abbot's... we'll call it care, Anna fled to Berez, joining the ranks of Baba Lysaga's apprentice witches.  

Dmitri Krezkov

Dmitri Krezkov was the burgomaster of Krezk. A man in his late fifties, he was unaware of his wife's part in livestock going missing around Krezk. Once he realized what had happened, he seemed to withdraw into himself and become unresponsive, not even reacting once his son took on his monstrous form and began attacking people. He was last seen recuperating from some "help" from the Abbot; whether or not he survived the process is unknown.  


The community's primary shepherd, Luca shows a considerable affinity for his flock, treating them with rather more respect than the Abbot treats his. A tall, muscular man, his potential to intimidate is greatly offset by his friendliness, enthusiasm, and relatively simple mind. His father, Costel, went off to investigate why no one had come by from the winery recently and has not been seen since.  

The Priestesses of the Sun

At least two women, at least one of whom was formerly a member of the cult in Vallaki, are now at the abbey. I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.  


An elderly woman and friend of Danica's, Vitaliya stayed relatively calm throughout the fight with the creature formerly known as Ilya Krezkov, and encouraged our heroes to head back to the abbey rather than get caught up in the ensuing political mess. She is the aunt of Militsa, the young woman who helped them escape Vallaki. Vitaliya has been helpful on numerous occasions, getting them set up with Magda, helping smooth over their exit following his "suicide," and convincing her fellow townsfolk to let our heroes and their twelve pet commoners through the gates to go to the abbey. She is currently believed to be dead, after a paper bird meant for her turned to ash.  

Magda Yankov

Seemingly an associate of Vitaliya, Magda was a young man around Sylvain and @Osrin's age. The party stayed in his cottage when they tired of staying with the Abbot for some reason. Soon after, they woke to find he had seemingly committed suicide with a silvered dagger in the night — an event that they are certain was caused by Strahd.


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