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Day 32: Confession, Conversion

General Summary

Day 32 (Xololuna 8, 735/?)

The gang sets off on their journey to Castle Ravenloft, saying their goodbyes at the abbey and Krezk before waiting outside the gates of the village. Finally, Strahd's black carriage arrives, pulled by its two black horses, seemingly driven by no one. They enter the carriage and spend the next several hours riding to the Vallaki Vistani camp. Ayduin tries to finish his smutty druid book while Bodaway unsuccessfully attempts to vandalize the carriage. Upon reaching the Vistani camp, they pick up the warm weather clothes they had comissioned using the dire wolf pelts they brought to camp so long ago, and receive an unexpected invitation from Atanasie. He approaches Ayduin, referencing a conversation they never had, but one that has enough connections to a message he received from his trance the night before to catch his attention. The party, along with Atanasie and Manda, undertake a long southward journey, a storm blowing up around them even as the ground gets softer underfoot, buzzing insects somehow present even in the cold. They find a sanctuary comprised of huge stone monoliths, reminiscent of some of the stones and altars they'd seen by Yester Hill, and within that sanctuary they find Arabelle, Ruslan, and Shura. Arabelle informs them that in this place, they can speak without fear of being overheard by divination magic or any ethereal spies, and this intel seems to pan out. The party has a few discussions, but is disturbed by the sight of Arabelle abruptly taking Bodaway to the far side of the sanctuary and giving him what looks like a short but brutal telling-off. After a time, Bodaway admits why, finally revealing the dream he was given of van Richten training the saber-toothed tiger to attack the Vistani. It seems that Arabelle, with her gift of divination, had become aware of Bodaway's actions, and as a result declared him mortio, an enemy of the Vistani people. Though she promised she did not hold Bodaway's actions against the rest of the group, nor would she reveal what she knew until Strahd had been defeated or they had all died, the atmosphere was tense as they made their way back north, particularly with the revelation that Ayduin had a time-sensitive quest to fulfill before dawn the next day, and that none of them could accompany him if they wanted to be rested before dinner with Strahd the next evening.


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