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Arabelle Luvashna

Arabelle Luvashna is a Vistana child and powerful seer who the party first met after fleeing the riots in Vallaki.   Though the party doesn't know her precise age, she looks to be around 6 or 7 years old. Arabelle immediately revealed herself to be precocious and a little morbid, and the source of that unusual development made itself clear quickly enough: Arabelle is a powerful seer even by the standards of the Vistani, and particularly for a girl so young.   Much like Madam Eva, Arabelle has a knack for knowing things that she ought not to be able to. Sometimes, that knowledge comes more dearly: the party has seen her wipe away blood from her nose after stretching the limits of her powers, and seen her enter a trancelike state when delivering prophecies of particular import.   Arabelle's entanglement with the party deepened when Strahd received word of her having used her powers to try and advise our heroes on how to combat him. In retaliation, he approached her uncle Arrigal Yezhov, who had become a servant of his in his youth, in exchange for Strahd's assurances that he'd help protect Arrigal's people. Strahd gave Arrigal an ultimatum: kill one of the party, or have Arabelle suffer the consequences of her actions. Arrigal chose the former, leading to his assassination attempt — one that Ayduin only survived due to the deal he'd made with Seriach, the Hell Hound Whisperer — and the party's subsequent capture of and agreement with him.   The next significant interaction the party had with Arabelle wasn't a particularly pleasant one. While passing through the Vallaki Vistani camp, Ayduin was given a strange message by Atanasie, who suggested a day trip to the south of the camp along with Manda. Agreeing, the party found themselves in what they'd later learn was a shrine to the Weaver, where Arabelle waited for them along with dusk elves Ruslan and Shura.   There, Arabelle offered them a formal prophecy:
The devil’s eyes are locked on you now. You must find a way to shut them if you hope to succeed. Beware: if you find the maidens’ tome while his shadows still cling to your heels, there will be no escaping his wrath. Your story will end before his begins.
  She also drew Bodaway aside, having a few words with him. She had learned through her gift that Bodaway had had some forewarning of van Richten's attack on her people, and the opportunity to act, and had chosen not to. Blaming him for the resulting carnage, she declared him mortio, an enemy to the Vistani. This led to Bodaway confessing to the party, an uncomfortable conversation for all parties.   She did not, however, hold Bodaway's actions against the rest of the party, and told them that they were not mortio. Furthermore, to prevent them from running into difficulties because of their friend's actions, she promised not to tell the others what she knew about Bodaway until their business with Strahd was done, one way or another.   Most recently, Sylvain was given a vision courtesy of the Raven Queen, seeing into Arabelle's memories. It seemed that Arabelle had come up with a proposition to help prevent her uncle from falling deeper into ruin, but that she had recently woken up in despair, realizing the party wouldn't come within her orbit soon enough to manage this feat. The nature of her proposition, and the timeline accompanying it, remains to be seen.


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