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Day 43: The Huntress

General Summary

Day 43 (Xololuna 19, 735/?)

After praying to the Huntress again, Oileán announces that a resurrection can be attempted. The party goes outside under cover of Pass Without Trace for the ritual, with Osrin, Ri-An, and Sylvain each making offerings while Bodaway kneels in the circle of witnesses. The ritual is not what any of them anticipated — each of them faces a challenge, navigating winding earthen tunnels, conversations with dead people, and a malevolent, living darkness. Ayduin, his consciousness slowly returning to its full capacity as the damage to his mind is healed by the ritual, comes face to face with an avatar of all the Huntress has represented in this land and, when given the choice, he says the work isn't done, and returns to life.   Returning to the mansion, the party lets Ayduin recuperate as they work on their own projects, with Sylvain and Ri-An in particular taking on longer-term projects in this period of respite. Ri-An sets up in the forge, condensing what for a normal blacksmith would be four full days of work into under one workday as they make two shields, and Sylvain focuses on documenting all that he can, continuing the notes he's been making on Barovia, getting what information he can from the cailleacha and other mansion guests.
Report Date
03 Nov 2022
Secondary Location


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