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Osrin art by meequ.
Osrin Baralet is one of our heroes (though, she does not approve of, agree with, or support this descriptor). She is an aasimar fighter and she does not want to talk about this or anything, thanks.  

Scars Acquired

19 (+1 pre-Barovia)

  • Thin red gold line down under left eye and along cheek (pre-Barovia)
  • Dark, purple/black bruise-like scar on left collarbone/front of shoulder, size of palm (flesh mound; Death House)
  • Scattering of thin ragged scratch marks up along her right side (rats; camp on road to Vallaki)
  • Burn scars all along outside of left forearm/arm (blocking fire damage from fireball by An Invisible Little Shithead)
  • Puncture marks on left side of waist (Needle baby attacks - winery battle)
  • Bite marks left upper arm/shoulder (dire wolves attacking while asleep on road while escorting Vallaki commoners from Vallaki)
  • Ragged teeth/bite marks on torso (ghouls, Fidatov Estate)
  • Shimmered knot of a scar on chest (resurrection)
  • Slash/sword scars: 1. right hip, 2. left shoulder blade, 3. left thigh (Argynvostholt hallway fight)
  • Scatter of close together arrow pierce scars on left front of shoulder (3), ("Message" fight, outside of Jeny's)
  • Burn scars on back/left side of neck (Strahd fireball post: horsey-bye-bye-time)
  • Rapier scars from all the Sylvains right over heart (2; dead)
  • Three shimmering smaller scars down center of chest (revivify)

Things She Likes

  • Giving Ayduin shit.
  • Giving Bodaway shit.
  • Giving Sylvain shit.
  • Ri-An.
  • Grghshnq.
  • The magic greatsword.
  • The undead drake from Argynvostholt.
  • Eavesdropping.
  • Punching people.

Boon of the Celestial Protector

Following the restoration of all three Fanes, Osrin was granted the following boon:
Once per day, the bearer of this boon can, as an action, touch another creature, restoring 4d8+2 hit points and curing it of any curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness. This trait does not work on undead.


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