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Na Gleann

Muintir na Gleann Abhainn (MWUH-tir na GLAN OW-en), or "People of the River Valley," is the name the pre-colonial inhabitants of Barovia went by, often called simply "na Gleann" for short. Following colonization by the Derluskans and the Tverdzavians, na Gleann split into first two groups, then three: the coill cailleacha cailleacha and their subsect, the foraois cara dílis, and the cosantóirí sliabh.  


According to Seanóir Conláed, prior to the invasion of the Derluskans, the land now known as Barovia was called Gleann Grianmhar (GLAN gree-AHN-wir), or "Sunny Valley." Across all of Gleann Grianmhar, the Trícinnáiteanna (TREE-kin-eetch-anna), literally "triad points," known more commonly across Barovia as the Ladies Three, were worshipped. Seanóir Conláed described the Trí as a trio of ancient goddesses who granted gifts and curses both, whose will was divined through rituals and sacrifices made by their priests and priestesses. Their names were said to be sacred knowledge, with most referring to them by their titles: the Weaver, the Huntress, and the Seeker.   The history of na Gleann is defined these days by the three failures that led to the split between the cailleacha and the cosantóirí. The first, An Fealladh (an FAH-lu) or "the Betrayal," came when na Gleann were unable to drive back the invading forces of the Derluskans. The second came when, though the Derlukans had largely abandoned the land, na Gleann again found themselves unable to drive back an invading force: this time, the Tverdzavians, led by Strahd von Zarovich. This became known as An Dara Fealladh (an DAH-ra FAH-lu), "the Second Betrayal."   Predictably enough, after these two came An Tríu Fealladh (an TREE-oo FAH-lu), the Third Betrayal. This final betrayal, the one which precipitated the split of na Gleann into smaller, disconnected groups, came when most of the druids of na Gleann — the group that would become the coill cailleacha — accepted Strahd von Zarovich as their new leader and god, forsaking the Trí once and for all.   Once Strahd von Zarovich had desecrated the three fanes, disempowering the Ladies Three and increasing his own power in the process, na Gleann largely ceased to exist, continuing on only as isolated splinter groups, some working for Strahd, others against him, and yet more simply doing their best to keep to their old ways as quietly as possible.


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