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coill cailleacha

"The forest folk" is the term that seems to be used across Barovia, including by the Vistani, to describe the people who live in the Svalich Woods and similarly undeveloped areas. According to a book Sylvain received from Lady Fidatov, the name they used for themselves is "coill cailleacha".  


The coill cailleacha were some of the valley's original inhabitants, long before Strahd's invading army came and named this place Barovia. At the time, they were still united with the cosantóirí sliabh, and the group was as a collective known as Na Gleann.   They lived primarily as hunter-gatherers, preferring temporary encampments to purely sedentary living. They, along with the dusk elves, tried in vain to fight first the invading army of Derluskans, and then Strahd von Zarovich and his Tverdzavian army.   Once Strahd settled the valley, they found themselves pushed deep into the Svalich Woods, hiding from any potential confrontation. At some point in time, a segment of the cailleacha began to worship Strahd, allying themselves with him, while those who remained loyal to The Ladies Three began to refer to themselves as foraois cara dílis, or teaghlach cara.  


By all accounts given to our heroes, the forest folk are universally unfriendly and aggressive. However, in the fight to free the winery as well as the fight on Yester Hill, they found themselves receiving aid from some cailleacha who would later reveal themselves as foraois cara dílis.   In time, the reasons for this reputation became more clear: not only were foraois cara dílis far outnumbered by the hostile, Strahd-worshipping coill cailleacha, but after Strahd's attempts to wipe out opposition by Na Gleann long ago, to reveal themselves as a still-present threat would be to invite his ire. Like other groups such as The Keepers of the Feather, foraois cara dílis played the long game. But for whatever reason — Spré's intervention while the party was doing battle at the Wizard of Wines; the opportunity to restore the Huntress's sacred yew at tuama beannaithe; simple frustration after generations of atrophy — they have chosen to ally themselves with the party. The costs have been great, leaving less than a dozen of them alive.  


The cailleacha seem to mostly rely on Druidic magic as well as their control over blights in battle, though foraois cara dílis seem to have no relationship to blights. Some of them also seemed to rely more on weapons rather than magic in combat.  

Notable NPCs

foraois cara dílis

For a list of these NPCs, see teaghlach cara.  

Unknown Leader

A druid with powerful magic above and beyond what most of his fellows seem able to command, this old, bearded man was killed by Osrin on tuama beannaithe.
Geopolitical, Clan


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