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The country of Barovia — more aptly, a county, or arguably a kingdom given the lack of any other Tverdzavian holdings these days — is a demiplane in the Domains of Dread. It is extremely difficult to leave or enter, and for most it seems that permission from the land's ruler, Strahd von Zarovich, is required. Such is the nature of Strahd's hold on the land that even when Cal and some of Osrin's other friends — sorry, acquaintances — back in Faerûn tried to use a Gate spell — incredibly high-level magic requiring a few thousand gold pieces — they were unable to enter. Indeed, even in death souls are not freed of Barovia, doomed to either a long, restless undeath, or reincarnation as a native Barovian.   Barovia is not fully in sync with the Material Plane as it exists in Faerûn. The exact nature of time in Barovia in relation to time elsewhere is unknown, but much like the Feywild, it seems to vary between faster, slower, and roughly apace from day to day. However, as it's believed that the Barovian calendar (currently on year 736) and Faerûn's calendar (currently on year 1494) were once in sync, it is reasonable to assume that on the whole, time passes slower in Barovia.   Barovia appears to have some effect on magic, making it appear and possibly function in different ways than it does elsewhere. Mage Hand produces a strange, skeletal hand, regardless of the caster's intent. The Light cantrip produces a notably cooler toned light than it does elsewhere.   Barovia does not experience sunlight, plagued by perpetually overcast skies during the day, though the clouds often clear up to reveal the moon at night. As a result, the crops that can be grown in Barovia are limited.   Barovia currently has three surviving urban centres: the village of Barovia, the town of Vallaki, and the village of Krezk. It previously had another urban centre, Berez, which was destroyed by Strahd some years ago.   Other notable settlements in Barovia include Tser Pool and Vallaki Vistani camp, the two places you're most likely to find Vistani in the country; The Wizard of Wines, a winery formerly occupied by a large chunk of the country's wereraven population; and tuama beannaithe and Corrangealai, two locations usually inhabited by coill cailleacha.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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