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The Silver Order

The Silver Order is a book purchased by our heroes in Vallaki, detailing what little is known about the mysterious Order of the Silver Dragon and its leader, Argynvost. Our heroes gleaned the following information from it:  
  • The order recruited knights from all over the land — whether this might include lands known to our heroes from before Barovia was cut off from the rest of the worlds is unknown.
  • The order was led by Argynvost, a nobleman who gave away little about his past life but who dedicated his life and his riches to eradicating evil.
  • The order came to Barovia to fight a great evil and defend the land.
  • One by one, they fell to tragedy, becoming little more than legend. It's said that Argynvost and the last of his knights perished in a great battle in 351.
  • The order's stronghold was west of Vallaki, in a great manor that housed the knights of the order as well as their household staff.
  • The knights are now little more than legend, most of their names long lost to time, but a few are mentioned by name:
    • Vladimir Horngaard, widely believed to be Argynvost's most trusted knight, looked up to by all who fought alongside him.
    • Sir Godfrey Gwilym, a talented healer as well as a fighter, said to have been Horngaard's most trusted friend after Argynvost.
    • Slava Hudson, a fierce warrior who distinguished himself as a skilled destroyer of the undead.
    • Lourens Rasmusson, said to have single-handedly saved the entire town of Berez on one occasion.
    • Marianna Svoboda, said to have taken out a dozen vampires on her own when cut off from her fellow knights.
    • Breeshey Tsvetayev, who was said to have a fearsome temper but whose loyalty to her fellow knights was absolute.
    • Tereza Williams, believed to be Horngaard's lover — who knows what noble lineage these two knights may have produced, if their young lives hadn't been tragically extinguished?
Item type
Book / Document


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