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Vallaki is the largest urban centre in Barovia, home to approximately 1,500 people — all human, save one half-elf and the mysterious heads of the Reformation Centre, rumoured to include an elf and a dwarf among their ranks. (Following the deaths of said half-elf, elf, and dwarf, it may well be all human, and perhaps a hidden wereraven or two, if any escaped exposure.)   Formerly governed by Baron Vargas Vallakovich, the burgomaster, Vallaki was effectively a police state that relied on a mandatory policy of positive thinking complete with weekly mandatory festivals. Have you tried yoga? No? Off to the stocks with you! That's what you get for frowning! All will be well!   Vallaki prided itself on not having had Strahd von Zarovich within its walls in over 100 years. This was widely accepted to be a reasonable exchange for the price of Vallaki's strict governance, which may or may not have included occasional brainwashing over at the Reformation Centre. However, between the Feast of St. Andral's — during which several vampire spawn attacked the city, and Strahd rode over it with Ireena on a flaming goth horse — and the Festival of the Blazing Sun — when the burgomaster tried to blame our heroes for Vallaki's misfortunes and got killed in a riot for it — Vallaki found itself in an unprecedented situation, without a Vallakovich to rule it for the first time since the town's founding. Eventually, the town agreed to attempt governance by city council, and several well-known faces ran for council: Urwin Martikov, Ispati Mirsky, and their friend Nelu Dorokhin, to name a few. Unfortunately, the day before the elections were to take place, Strahd appeared and publicly revealed the Martikovs, Ispati, Nelu, and other allies and friends as wereravens, an organization of spies dedicated to gathering their neighbours' secrets and undermining Strahd.   As Strahd explained it, he had left Vallaki alone at the wishes of the burgomasters, but he was here to offer a trade: if Vallaki agreed to return to living under Strahd as their rightful ruler, the town guided by a regent of his choosing — beloved town priest Father Lucien Petrovich — he would provide them with food and other resources, and help them rebuild their town and restore it to its former glory. He would also remove the lycanthropic spies who'd tried to take control of their town from their midst.   As part of this agreement, Strahd also ended the ban on Vistani in Vallaki, explaining that they were a valuable source of labour and materials, and that he would not see them shut out from their fellow Barovians any longer.   Vallaki accepted. Any hint of a town council is now abandoned, and Strahd rules.  


Vallaki was governed by the Vallakovich family for at least two generations, though the Lady Wachter implied that the Vallakoviches have been in power for some time — at least as far back as the existence of the Reformation Centre, which was founded some centuries ago.   It is unknown whether or not tyranny has been a policy of the Vallakovich family beyond the reign of Vargas and his father Vargon. However, the Lady Wachter claimed Vargon was an openly brutal ruler, and that under his rule public executions were the norm, not the exception. When Vargon died suddenly, she and other citizens of Vallaki hoped his young son Vargas may prove a better ruler. However, it seemed that Vargas's ever-present smile was just a mask for a wealth of repressed rage and/or cruelty. A day in the stocks was getting off light when you crossed Vallaki's guards, though some who were sentenced to time in the stocks later died as a result of the strain of standing there all day. Rumours abounded — according to the Lady Wachter — that the burgomaster sometimes had disobedient Vallakians brought to his home, where he tortured them personally.   No one disclosed the exact year in which Strahd last appeared in Vallaki prior to recent events, or under what circumstances, but their claim to being a Strahd-free zone for over 100 years seems to be known beyond the town's walls.  

Notable Locations

Arasek Stockyard

Both a stockyard and a general store, the Arasek Stockyard is where "Rictavio" stored his cart — allegedly given to him by Corvus Nightfeather Nightfeather, whose Circus of Wonders said cart advertises — and also offered basic adventuring supplies. Run by a middle-aged woman and man, its prices proved too exorbitant for the party's tastes. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun.  

The Beast's Rose

A tailor's shop run by a very large man named Savva and his very pretty, petite wife Anfisa, the Beast's Rose offered ready-made clothing, tailoring, and commissioned outfits. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, which also claimed Anfisa's life.  

The Blue Water Inn

Our heroes' home in Vallaki, the Blue Water Inn was run by the Martikovs. Urwin, Danica, and their sons Brom and Bray were permanent fixtures here, and seemed to be the only employees. Aside from offering beds, baths, meals, wine, and tea, the Blue Water Inn also offered knowledge of secret passageways if the proprietors felt like you needed that badly enough. Neat! Unlike many of the individuals our heroes have encountered around Barovia, the Martikovs in general seemed happy to help for the sake of being helpful, and Urwin said he considered the inn a sanctuary for whoever needs it. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, and the Martikovs became Strahd's prisoners. Later, Ezmerelda d'Avenir helped them escape Castle Ravenloft (except Bray, who'd already escaped on his own). However, their relief was short-lived, as they were later killed in the assault on the Wizard of Wines, though Danica and Bray were later resurrected with the party's help.  

The Bountiful Beaver

The town's brothel, first mentioned by Danica as a joke, to Bodaway, who had only a few nights before wussed out of asking Danica if there was a brothel in town. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, though they did get a chance to meet its proprietor, Irinusha, at Jeny's Shack.  

The Burgomaster's Mansion

Home to Baron Vargas Vallakovich and his family, as well as his captain of the guard Izek Strazni, our heroes saw very little of the burgomaster's mansion, and now there's very little left to see. It was, like other noble homes they've seen, a grand place that became somewhat less grand over the years. The most notable feature of it, in the party's opinion, was probably the collection of Bodaway dolls Izek had. The Reformation Centre is located behind it. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, which also claimed the lives of all the Vallakoviches save Victor, who is now forced to teleport wildly around Barovia without rest following an attempt at a teleportation spell out of the realm.  

The Coffin Maker's Shop

Run by Henrik van der Voort, the coffin maker's shop attracted our heroes' attention when they learned Henrik had paid Milivoj to steal the bones of St. Andral. Upon making initial inquiries, they found all the windows barred and Henrik refusing to let anyone in or say when the shop was open. Upon breaking in, they found very little of note, right up until they found the bones, a bag of silver, and six vampires. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun.  

The Depot of Mounts and Vehicles

Located in the west of Vallaki, where those who have mounts and vehicles are asked to register said mounts and vehicles in compliance with Vallakin law.  

Dusklight Supply Shop

A general store run by a somewhat nervous middle-aged woman named Bethel. Lady Wachter said Bethel and her husband had been sent to the Reformation Centre some years ago, and that Bethel had returned very jumpy, whereas her husband had never been seen again. It was not destroyed by the riots, but is currently marked as closed until further notice.  

The Orphanage of St. Andral

Across the road from St. Andral's Church, the orphanage is run by Headmistress Claudia Belasco, a stern woman who has single-handedly taken on responsibility for Vallaki's many orphans. Was recently in a spot of trouble due to a slight case of one of the children being possessed, but it's fine, it's fixed now. Home to 22 orphans and counting, not counting Milivoj or the kids who ran away during all the demon business, or any orphans who may have become orphans during the Feast of St. Andral's and the Festival of the Blazing Sun. The last time our heroes checked in, it seemed like Claudia was busy with several new arrivals.  

The Reformation Centre

Vallaki's prison and also a place where people were brainwashed. Run by three former adventurers, each of whom had lost all hope after going up against Strahd and losing — or, in some cases, going up against him and winning, only to have him reappear and the mists reform around Barovia months after their victory. The Reformation Centre was largely untouched by the riots, due to its sturdy construction and the fear the people of Vallaki have of its powerful Reformers. Though our heroes had every intention of burning the place down, in the end it was Strahd who trashed it up, in the name of "saving" Vallaki from its evils. While one of the reformers perished in the attack, the other two were turned into vampire spawn.  

St. Andral's Church

Long ago, Vallaki was home to Andral, who gave shelter to some guards fleeing Strahd. Due to a vampire's inability to enter a mortal's home without an invitation, Strahd was unable to reach the guards. Strahd tried and tried to charm Andral into inviting him in, but Andral resisted. Andral and the guards lived out the rest of their days in that home, as did others who came to join that sanctuary. They grew their own food and all died peacefully of old age.   Shortly after, a church was built on the spot, which had become hallowed ground. Unbeknownst to most Vallakians, the church's status as hallowed ground was maintained by the preservation of St. Andral's bones on a specially built altar beneath the church.   A few days before our heroes arrived in Vallaki, the bones were stolen by Milivoj, the gravedigger, after the altar boy Yeska had told him of their existence, and Milivoj had mentioned them to Henrik van der Voort, the coffin-maker. van der Voort offered Milivoj money in exchange for the theft, which Milivoj performed, giving the money to the orphanage in which he grew up, also named after St. Andral. Our heroes found the bones and attempted to return them to the church, but were foiled by Strahd and his vampire spawn, some of whom left Vallaki with the bones. As a result, St. Andral's Church is no longer hallowed ground.   Like the church in Barovia, St. Andral's Church is dedicated to the worship of the Morninglord. Its priest is Father Lucian Petrovich, who was the brother-in-law of the burgomaster, and is now Strahd's regent in Vallaki.  

Thimdul's Armaments

The local blacksmith's, run by an older, grizzled, mostly blind man and his various younger apprentices. Silvered weapons for 100 gp. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, leaving the blacksmith's granddaughter Tamara in charge. Whether she shares her grandfather's disdain for authority is unclear, as the party's first impression of "lol why are you so slow?" did not go over well with her or her apprentices. They were last seen working out of a makeshift forge north of the town, but have presumably gained more permanent accommodations since.  

Third Eye Potions & Sundry

An apothecary run by a half-elf, half-Vistana named Anya. Anya apparently didn't't like it when you stick your fingers in bins of ingredients that you don't intend to buy. However, she's dead now, and the shop is destroyed.  

Town Square

Previously home to a fountain, the gallows, the stocks, and notices about the latest festival. Now home to a lot of rubble and bad memories.  


Home to the Lady Fiona Wachter, her two sons, and her daughter. A finely appointed home that, like so many in Barovia, had seen better days. It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun, with Stella Wachter burned alive inside it. Bodaway explored the ruins to see if he could find any more information about Fiona's cultish activities, but to no avail.  

Yonvich & Sons

The local bookstore and printing press, run by an older man (Yonvich) and his three younger sons, all of whom were nerd-hot. Home to maps, supplies, books in Barovian and Common, and a whole erotica section! It was destroyed in the riots following the Festival of the Blazing Sun — between that event and the Feast of St. Andral's, now only Yonvich's youngest son, Yeva, remains.  

Notable Residents

Anfisa and Savva

Tailors at the Beast's Rose. Savva is very tall and muscular, and Anfisa was pretty and petite. They were both friendly and eager to accommodate orders. Anfisa died in the riots.  


The half-elf, half-Vistana owner of Third Eye Potions & Sundry. Anya died during the Feast of St. Andral's.  


A nervous-looking middle-aged woman who tipped Sylvain off to go talk to Frederich about the Reformation Centre.  


One of the Reformation Centre's three leaders, and one of its original founders. A snooty high elf even more pessimistic than Bodaway.  

Claudia Belasco

Headmistress at the Orphanage of St. Andral. Strict and shrewd but seems to care deeply about her wards; not great at spotting demons.  


Owner of the Dusklight Supply Shop, formerly a prisoner at the Reformation Centre. Her husband never returned from the centre.  

Danica Dorakova

Wife of Urwin Martikov and mother of Brom and Bray, co-owner of the Blue Water Inn. Less prone to giving away free shit than her husband, but friendly enough and knowledgeable. Can combine tea, wine and honey to make something surprisingly delicious. Not impressed by whiskey.  


Vallaki had 24 guards prior to the events of the Feast of St. Andral's.  

Vaska Anisimov

One of the guards who came to investigate the events at the orphanage. Late 50s. Friendlier than Bohumil.  

Mila Chadovna

One of the guards who greeted our heroes at the gates of Vallaki. Mostly seemed to just want to get her work done. Middle-aged.  

Foykla Davydovna

One of the guards who greeted our heroes at the gates of Vallaki. Seemed much more suspicious of the characters, especially Bodawa. Nearly died during the Feast of St. Andral's, but Ayduin saved her life. Late 60s.  

Bohumil Lvov

One of the guards who came to investigate the events at the orphanage. Less friendly than Baska. Late 40s.  

Frederich Pasternak

A guard who met with our heroes to discuss the Reformation Centre, and who facilitated their meeting with Calorfin. Seemed to be holding back some information regarding the situation there.  

Unknown Teenage Girl

Regarded our heroes with considerable hostility while they were entering the Reformation Centre.  


A guard who Friedrich greeted; was patrolling the gated front yard of the Reformation Centre.  

Nelu Dorokhin

An older gentleman and apparent ally of the Martikovs who assisted during the party's escape from the Festival of the Blazing Sun and ensuing riots, and had arrived just after the dissolution of the Wall of Force during the Feast of St. Andral's, offering aid a little too late. Apparently a lycanthropic "spy"? Was allegedly being held at the Reformation Centre some time ago; is now likely a prisoner of Strahd's.  


A mysterious old woman who lives north of town in a ramshackle shack. Nothing more to see there!  

Yeska Malinov

Altar boy at St. Andral's Church; told Milivoj about the bones of St. Andral's. An orphan. Killed during the Feast of St. Andral's.  

Bray Martikov

The younger of the two Martikov boys (9). Defers to his brother to an extent. Apparently a lycanthropic "spy"? HE ESCAPED CASTLE RAVENLOOOOOOFT.  

Brom Martikov

The older of the two Martikov boys (11). Thought he iwa extremely suave and savvy. Killed in the assault on the Wizard of Wines.  

Urwin Martikov

Husband of Danica, father of Brom and Bray, co-owner of the Blue Water Inn. Would probably have accidentally given away the inn by now if Danica hadn't supervised him. Killed in the assault on the Wizard of Wines.  

Ispati Mirsky

An ally of the Martikovs who has helped out the party on several occasions. Occupation unknown. Apparently a lycanthropic "spy"? Last seen babysitting a corrupted Ismark Kolyanovich.  


Arrived just after the dissolution of the Wall of Force during the Feast of St. Andral's to see if the characters needed help. Seemed to be in her late 20s. Is protective of Father Lucien Petrovich, as she seemed to be assisting him in his recuperation following that night's events. Assisted our heroes' flight from Vallaki following the Festival of the Blazing Sun. Presumably in custody at Castle Ravenloft.  


An elderly, mostly blind man, the former owner of Thimdul's Armaments. He died in the riots.  

Milivoj Ozera

Gravedigger and groundskeeper at St. Andral's Church. Around 19 years old. An orphan, raised by Claudia Belasco. Stole the bones of St. Andral and gave them to Henrik van der Voort in exchange for money for the orphanage. Was being preyed upon by Felix's demon.  

Father Lucien Petrovich

Priest at St. Andral's Church, worshipper of the Morninglord. Brother of the late burgomaster's wife. Late 70s. Protective of Yeska and Milivoj. Now Strahd's regent apparently?  

Izek Strazni

Captain of Vallaki's guard and the burgomaster's right-hand man. Has a fiendish-looking arm with barbed spines, elongated fingers, and long nails. Claims that he and Bodaway are half-siblings with the same father, and has several dolls of Bodaway over the years — he claims he saw Bodaway in his dreams, as well as their other siblings, who he also has dolls of. Seemed extremely emotional at the opportunity to be united with Bodaway. Following the riots, was revealed to have developed a dream pie addiction on the way to the village of Barovia, only to get turned into a werewolf.  


Current lead blacksmith in Vallaki, the granddaughter of Nikodem.  

Unknown Man (I)

Arrived just after the dissolution of the Wall of Force during the Feast of St. Andral's to see if the characters needed help. Seemed to be in his early 70s. Carried a crossbow. Friends with Nelu.  

Henrik van der Voort

Vallaki's coffin-maker. Paid Milivoj to steal the bones of St. Andral. Late 60s. Killed in the riots.  

Baron Vargas Vallakovich

Former burgomaster of Vallaki and mastermind behind its endless, countless festivals. Surprisingly pleasant to talk to for a dude running a police state. Late 60s, thinning hair. Killed in the riots.  

Baron Vargon Vallakovich

The former burgomaster of Vallaki, a brutal ruler. Died suddenly about fifty years ago.  

Baronet Victor Vallakovich

The burgomaster's son, who allegedly drove Stella Wachter mad during a soured engagement. Kind of a little shit according to Vasili. Currently being teleported all over Barovia after attempting to teleport out of it.  

Felix Vasnetsov

An orphan at the orphanage of St. Andral's. Had been possessed by a demon after finding a cursed locket. Killed his parents and was subsequently taken to the orphanage, where he began to torture the other children and drain Milivoj's life force as part of a lengthy ritual, the exact nature of which he did not understand. Killed one of the other children, Cedrik, while possessed. Eight years old. Now the altar boy at St. Andral's.  

Vasili von Holtz

The alter ego of Strahd von Zarovich. A dissolute noble who seemed to come and go without concern. First met the party about an hour outside of Vallaki, seemingly being menaced by wolves. Quickly proved himself far handier with a rapier than he seemed during his first impression. Weird.  

Lady Fiona Wachter

The burgomaster's greatest political rival. Invited our heroes to dinner along with Vasili von Holtz to tell them about the Vallakoviches' history of terrorizing Vallaki, her history with Strahd von Zarovich, and a prophecy Madam Eva gave her long ago. Seems to believe the burgomaster is a far greater threat to Vallaki than Strahd is. Killed during the riots.  

Karl and Nikolai Wachter

The Lady Wachter's young adult sons (late 20s/early 30s). Basically frat boys. Killed during the riots.  

Stella Wachter

The Lady Wachter's young daughter, formerly betrothed to the burgomaster's son. Was allegedly driven mad by him and has been in hiding at their family home ever since. Killed during the riots. Later met Ri-An in the realm of the dead, where it was revealed her particular form of madness was thinking she was a cat.  

Wolf Hunters

A pair of grimdark bro-y wolf hunters who Osrin eavesdropped on at the Blue Water Inn. Seem to spend a lot more time with each other than with their wives and children, but I'm sure it's all super platonic. Killed during the riots.  

Yonvich & Sons

The owner of Yonvich & sons and... his nerd-hot sons. Currently, only the youngest son Yeva survives, following the Feast of St. Andral's and the Festival of the Blazing Sun.


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