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Order of the Silver Dragon

The Order of the Silver Dragon was an order of knights that came to Barovia long ago under the leadership of a mysterious nobleman named Argynvost. They perished in the year 357, according to The Silver Order — indeed, our heroes bore witness to one of their final battles through The Tome of Strahd.   After seeing repeated hints of the order in their early days in Barovia, the party came to the conclusion that they were the former inhabitants of the "haunted manor" southwest of Vallaki — later revealed to be Argynvostholt — and the source of the revenant who attacked Doru in their initial journey to Vallaki with Ireena Kolyana.   When the party finally reached Argynvostholt, they discovered it full not only of revenants but more phantasmal remnants of the order, and even an undead guard drake. In their explorations there, they were given a quest by the ghost of Argynvost himself, and began a tentative alliance with Sir Godfrey Gwilym, their fated ally as foretold by Madam Eva.   After defeating the dread witch Baba Lysaga in Berez and returning Argynvost's skull to Argynvostholt, they were able to put to rest all the remaining souls of the order, save Sir Godfrey's.  

Known Members

Sir Vladimir Horngaard

Allegedly Argynvost's most trusted knight, and a leader among them. In a vision given to Bodaway by the Raven Queen, it was revealed that Sir Vladimir was lovers with his fellow knight, Sir Godfrey Gwilym. In the vision, Sir Vladimir's arms were described as strong and battle-scarred, with golden skin. He had an accent that did not seem to be Barovian. They later learned that it was Sir Vladimir's vengeance that kept the revenants of the order in pursuit of Strahd long past the normal lifespan of such creatures. Sir Vladimir knew that Barovia was a prison of Strahd's own making, and did not intend to allow him the peace of death. So fierce were his convictions in this regard that he would even attack adventurers opposed to Strahd if he sensed they might free him of his eternal torment. However, when Argynvost's skull was returned to the fortress and its beacon lit, Vladimir recalled himself, and was able to speak to Sir Godfrey as lovers once more before passing on, imploring the party to look after him.  

Sir Godfrey Gwilym

Said to have been Sir Vladimir's "most trusted friend after Argynvost," it was revealed in Bodaway's vision that he was in fact lovers with Sir Vladimir. In the vision, he was a young man, with strong arms, warm brown skin, and lots of long, black, curly hair. His accent was distinctly not Barovian. According to the book, Sir Godfrey was a talented healer as well as a fighter. According to Ezmerelda, he's the only reason she left Argynvostholt alive, and it was he who warned her that their leader, Vladimir, was too dedicated to an eternity of vengeance against Strahd to look kindly on anyone trying to free Strahd from his prison.   Upon lighting the beacon at Argynvostholt, the party freed Sir Godfrey to travel with them and aid them in their quest to defeat Strahd, and he has proven a valuable ally. How long he will remain animated after Strahd's death, and if he will remain until Strahd is truly defeated by the binding of Vampyr, is unknown.
Civilian, Knightly Order


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