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The following information was curated by your friendly neighbourhood lich at the Amber Temple.  
  • Warforged are an artificial race of living constructs native to the world of Eberron. Created by House Cannith in 965 YK to fight in the Last War, these sentient constructs were granted the same rights as human citizens in 996 YK, under the Treaty of Thronehold.
  • On average, warforged are at least 1.8 meters tall, and weigh a minimum of 140 kilograms. They are constructed out of a variety of materials, including stone, metal, and darkwood, that have been infused with magic. Though their designs may vary, they typically have hinged jaws, eyes made of crystal, built-in defences, and in many cases have armour integrated into the raw materials of their bodies.
  • Like humanoids, warforged can be healed by magic and affected by mind-altering effects, but like constructs, they do not need to sleep, eat, or breathe. They are typically immune or at least resistant to poison, and in rest, enter an inert but fully conscious state.
  • Warforged can have unique personality traits, though they are widely considered more restricted in their personalities than true humanoids. Though there is a common belief that warforged are naught but mindless killing machines, reserved, pensive, and stoic, they are capable of experiencing anger, pain, fear and hatred just as their human creators do. Though humans may find reading their body language difficult at first given their lack of physical facial expressions, changes in mood can be read all the same, with practice.
  • The true nature of the warforged is a subject of debate, their crafting something of a trade secret. Their true lifespan is also unknown, as they have only been existence for a short time. Most warforged have little life experience, assigned to one particular duty — most often soldiering. However, they typically take pride in their work, whatever that work is, and often seem to have a dislike for both idleness and failure. Though warforged were originally assigned only numerical designations, some adopted new names with time, or were granted names by their companions.
  • Traditionally, a warforged is constructed from a skeletal frame of metal and stone, with wood fibre acting as a muscular system, covered by an outer shell of metal and stone plates. An internal network of tubes runs through the bodies of most warforged, filled with an alchemical blood-like fluid designed to lubricate and nourish the constructs. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb, while their feet only have two broad toes. For obvious reasons, they are not given reproductive organs.
  • Each warforged has a ghulra engraved upon their forehead. Each of these runes is unique to the warforged, giving them a sense of individuality.
  • Warforged are able to be repaired and modified by artificers or even by themselves, giving endless possibilities for their appearances and featured.
  • The oldest known warforged as of 998 YK are 30 years old, and have yet to show signs of deterioration from age. It is theorized that they can live for eternity as long as they receive regular maintenance and repairs. Most warforged are between 2 and 30 years old.
  • Despite the warforged’s peaceful nature, many citizens of the Five Nations see them as reminders of a dark past. Some still see them as implements of destruction, and argue they are a danger that must be destroyed or removed from society.

Known Warforged


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