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Nokia is an island in the south of Suonenjoki. Owned by the Dictatorial Regime.


Located in the south of the world.

Localized Phenomena

Echo Clouds
  • A curious phenomenon that occurs when sound waves bounce off the clouds, echo clouds are a type of clouds that repeat the sounds they hear. The echo clouds can create a cacophony or a harmony, depending on the sounds they reflect. The echo clouds can also mimic voices and words, sometimes revealing secrets or lies.
  • Temperature: 65°F/18°C – The air is mild and clear, as the echo clouds fill it with sound.
  • Wind Speed: 15 mph/24 kph – A moderate wind moves the echo clouds, creating echoes and distortions of sound.
  • This phenomenon in some occasions can deafen someone.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)

Articles under Nokia