Emails to the Authorities Document in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
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Emails to the Authorities

"Um, sir? I checked the spam folder and, well, you're going to want to see thing."
— Hapless North American government intern
  I have no regrets. They got more warning than they deserved.   A/n: She made hundreds of square miles of land in two countries uninhabitable and informed them via an email that she knew perfectly well would get sent straight to the spam folder. Yeah. She "tried."  

It's Our Turf Now

  The initial response to the Eternal Swish was mainly confusion and treating it like a normal storm that would go away. They made plans for returning, and disaster relief. Neither government seemed to realize that this was, in fact, going to be a more permanent thing and they should give up on the area now and spend their money on relocated the citizens who didn't want to live in a perpetual storm.   But they didn't get it, and didn't get it.   A/n: It really didn't help that this wasn't her original intention. Just an experiment, that became somewhat more self perpetuating than she expected. Took her a whole week to convince the Chaos Coalition that this whole mess was a good idea and they should move in. To be fair, the erratic storms and constantly shifting biomes are really good for their whole aesthetic.   So I sent an email to explain it to them. Anonymously, of course. No tracking down my IP address. But I did actually make it clear that Villain Central was no longer their territory and they should just accept that.


To inform the governments of the United States and Canada that this wasn't just a storm and would in fact become semi-permanent and they should clear out because the Chaos Coalition was going to be taking up residence.
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