BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


During the event which I eventually termed Double January , I crafted TANTALUS. Aka The Accidental Temporal Alteration Leading Ultimately to Stress. To be clear, I'm quite proud of the time traveling, I just wish it had been intentional and at a more opportune moment.   What it was meant to do was teleport, something which I was eventually able to master (see Portable Teleporter , but only after it would have been useful to transport myself out of a rather dangerous situation. Don't rob dangerous people using an untested escape device.   It turned out to be a fairly small contraption. It was intended to be portable, after all. Perhaps that was my mistake, that I didn't have enough space for the vital control points that were needed to make it operate successfully. Or maybe the fact that I used a fair emount of my repeated time to deliberately mess with myself so that I would be certain to recreate the time travel phenomenon to avoid any crossing of the temporal wires.   Either way, TANTALUS is one of the few projects I've ever completed that both did and didn't work as intended. Depends on which point in time you ask me that question. It got me out of there, it just never teleported, exactly. I've never felt a need to revisit, since my life is complicated enough without adding extra time in there.   Eventually, I destroyed the device and my notes entirely. Time travel is too easily abused, and since I knew I wasn't interested in pursuing the research, I wanted to make sure that no one could steal it while I wasn't paying attention. It's about the only thing I've ever created that I went on to destroy (and don't tell Evelyn Suthmeer but that includes Batch 145).


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Dec 6, 2023 15:38 by Marc Zipper

Is a very great article I love accidental inventions but I love more is that the scientist destroyed the time machine knowing that no one should be messing with time and the secret experiment she did not destroy very cool article

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Dec 22, 2023 03:52 by Jacqueline Yang

I love the writing style in this. Very fun!