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Weekly Gossip Meetup

It's not exactly gossip, honestly. More of an intel exchange that happens to look like two girls chatting. Dahlia Avigdor has a business to run, and I have schemes to plot, and the information is insanely useful for both of us.   It's also a lot of fun.  


  While the name says "weekly," our meetings are not on such a regular schedule. We keep a rotating sequence of days, and if someone's busy or inaccessible then we message and use a different rotating sequence to figure out the replacement.   The location varies. I enjoy Yorick's Grill and Bar, but it is alas a place where I am recognizable so we can't use it much. Oster Park is a classic, and it ends up in the rotation quite a bit because it's private and out of the way, but it doesn't have many food options.   We usually talk for an amount of time proportionate to how long it took to get there. And if it ends up in actual teen girl gossip territory, that's our business.  

A Long Way From Home

  Dahlia doesn't get the chance to go home very much anymore. Based on her current position, though, she has all the best intel on SIVIC, and a decent amount of information about villainous activity in her area. Talking to her nets me a lot of good intel.   She's also a pretty good friend. To be fair.   Even on the weeks where neither of us have much data to hand over, the meetings are still important because it's a refuge from being a spy, or from the pressure of trying to take on the world.


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Aug 20, 2024 20:15 by Deleyna Marr

I love the character building aspects of this article. There's a lot going on with these two.

Aug 22, 2024 15:09

I'm glad that's your impression! They're the main characters in a book I'm working on.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.