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Apex Predator of the Night

The Nightstalkers are taller, purple scaled aliens left on elil after being disconnected from the Hive mind. They are one of the aliens that get the most hate due to Typhon's influence and the fact Typhon himself was a nightstalker. They have special scales that allow them to cloak in darkness and have claws that can rend flesh from the bone.

Basic Information


Night Stalkers are a tall species being about 7 to 9 feet tall with a very lanky appearance almost being able to see the bone. They are mostly bipedal with two long arms that can go all the way down to their kneecaps. This does not mean they dont go on all fours, for when they do they chase their prey to the ends of the earth. Despite the lanky appearance a nightstalkers muscle structure is strong and advanced. After all they are a race of apex predators. Nightstalkers are reptilian with black or purple scales.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce Sexually that ends up producing a batch of 2-3 eggs. These eggs take a total of 9 months to hatch as they grow steadily inside the egg.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg- Reptiles begin their lives as embryos in amniotic eggs Hatchling- When a reptile is ready to hatch, the creature uses an egg tooth to break through the shell of the egg Juvenile Reproduction Adulthood and Life Span

Ecology and Habitats

Nightstalkers thrive in forest environments due to all the ambush spots around the area. Most commonly though nightstalkers grow up in badlands or hills where they traverse the grassy plains in search for food. Mountains are popular spots as well where they live within caverns where they sleep protected from the elements during the day.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nightstalkers are carnivorous creatures that can only eat meat and fish. They use their large claws to cleave their prey to pieces. They can also be used like nets when fishing and due to their long arms they can sit on the banks and keep their hands closer to the bottom of streams then swoop up. Nightstalkers don't usually store food and just eat it on the spot due to their voracious appetites and energy needed to live.

Biological Cycle

As time passes the Nightstalkers will grow too tight in their skin which requires them to shed their skin as well as their claws. The claws of a nightstalker continue to grow much like rodent teeth.


Nightstalkers are a violent species; evolved to be the apex predator upon their homeworld. They are extremally solitary and show great hostility to even their own race though their kin is exempt from this bloodlust except in rare cases. Nightstalkers also hold grudges. With a near perfect memory, every scar on a nightstalkers body is a reminder of someone they need to take revenge on. With their cloaking scales nightstalkers are born and bred ambush predators that can stalk prey for days before striking for the kill.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their facial features seem to resemble that of a komodo dragon with long fangs. The head is one of the most prominent features besides their claws, and can make a multitude of expressions helping portray emotions and make them look quite terrifying. Their eyes are a glowing yellow with dilating pupils that can get as small as a toothpick.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Nightstalkers live in mountainous and hilly regions around the planet of Elil. Many of them have made homes within the slavic region of elil or in Cull and the lands surrounding it. Many also collect in Union City for its oddities and strange mix of cultures.

Average Intelligence

Their average intelligence is a little less than a human though that did not stop it from making it to a cyberpunk esc machine age in their society. Despite all of that they have a tendency to fall back to their naturalistic hunting urges.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Night Stalkers have a terrifying sense of smell. Not as well as the Wolveras but second to them being able to smell blood in the air like a shark. Not only that but they have night vision which does seem to mess up their day eyesight. Similar to snakes, nightstalkers can flick out their tongue to sense heat as well.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Before coming to Elil Nightstalkers did not actually have names instead responding to clicks and growls as a form of designation. They did have "Family" names which were just a way to trace back lineage in modern society. A modern nightstalker name would have been their generation then rank amongst the clutch and finally family title. Something like "5th Runt of Sharpclaw." Since landing on Elil nightstalkers have taken a liking to germanic and slavic names.

Gender Ideals

Nightstalkers have never been particular about Gender in their culture. Afterall a female nightstalker is just as likely to rip you apart as a male. Even in modern society they have always seen themselves as equal. If you can hunt and provide then you are respected.

Average Technological Level

By the time nightstalkers reached their height on their homeworld is was a neon colored machine age. Every building was wide open with long windows to see the outside and neon colored heat lamps. Afterall Nightstalkers hate tight spaces due to their size and desire to hunt. The neon lights would never go out as nightsalkers worked to keep them repaired constantly. Cities were tall but not wide as the nightstalker population was not huge due to their predatory nature. They even had zoos where nightstalkers could be released to hunt their meals for the day killing prey.

Common Myths and Legends

Out of all the nightstalkers myths one remains the most remembered. The God of Death- The winter. Nightstalkers cannot survive in the cold after all they cant digest in the cold and get sick easier then other species. When winter came around it claimed the lives of many nightstalkers before the heat lamps. They believed the god of death was attempting to wipe them out, or that they did something wrong. Albino Terrors, due to their white hue, were seen as the emissaries of death and were feared by Nightstalker, Whisperer, and soulstalker alike.
Genetic Descendants
60 Years
Average Height
7-9 Feet Tall
Average Weight
201 LBs
Average Physique
Their average Physique is lanky but muscular. You can see the toned muscle and bits of protruding bone all around their body. Their tales are long and have full range of movement but are not prehensile. This does not mean they are weak as a smack from a nightstalkers tail is sure to break a few bones. Their most notable feature is their claws which are about 8 inches in length much like the blade of a bowie knife.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The color of nightstalkers  are commonly shades of purple that nearly blends into the night itself without the cloaking. Many subspecies do not share this though specifically the albino terrors which are white in color or the soulstalkers that tend to be more tan then their brethren while still keeping a bit of that purple.
Geographic Distribution


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