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Whispers are a subspecies of nightstalker that lurk within dark caverns of their homeworld and of Elil. They are thinner while keeping the same height with a less defined and weaker musculature. They are the haunts of the underground and are the tales told to nightstalker hatchlings to keep them from going too deep into the caves and woods of the planet.

Basic Information


The Whisperers are bipedal reptiles with the similar two long arms that nearly touch its feet. Their muscles cling taut to the bone of their body and they look like an elderly and sickly old thing.

Ecology and Habitats

Whisperers live in damp dank cavern like environments. They hunt the best in the caverns where despite their size they are slippery enough to get through the thinnest of cracks. Many of them also live within woods where they roam between the trees acting like horrific beasts of the woods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Whisperers are carnivorous devouring any form of meat they get their claws on. Rats, Insects, blind fish, bats, etc. They are notorious scavengers that set traps for smaller animals or other kin and lure them mimicking their sounds. Due to their weakened physical forms they rely on ambushes and traps they make via falling rocks or net traps.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Whisperers are actually more intelligent than your above ground compatriots. They developed traps, fires, and other inventions before the Nightstalkers did. Many of the best Nightstalker politicians were whisperers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Whisperers share the phenomenal scent and sensing heat in the air their genetic cousins have but they do not have the benefit of nightvision. Instead they have echolocation due to them being completely blind from their time living in the deep dark caverns of their homes.

Civilization and Culture


Whisperers evolved many many centuries ago on the nightstalker home world when nightstalkers went to deep into the caves. How a large group of them got down there isn't known but years down there weakened their muscles and slowly killed their eyesight. Over time the caves were soon crawling with its own Apex predator, the Whisperer. They would learn to mimic the sounds of the caverns finding that animals would be attracted to the water. By mimicking the sounds of water they would lure their prey. Slowly it developed to mimicing sounds and when they left the caves Whisperers found forests a phenomenal place to hunt for prey. Soon they met their upperworld cousins and learned to mimic the growls and clicks of their lure their children into the woods.

Common Myths and Legends

Whisperers are known as "Haunts" in the language of the Nightstalkers. When hatchlings are young they are warned never to draw close to the deeper parts of the Cave. Hatchlings are warned if they are ever alone and cannot see anyone, NEVER, EVER follow the sound of their kins voice for surely a whisperers claws are prepared to tear the young to pieces.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Whispers are a subspecies of Nightstalkers.
45 Years
Average Height
7-8 Feet Tall
Average Weight
200 Lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Whisperers still keep a black hue from their cousins up above but due to their time long underground its become much much paler. They are compared to ghosts in the caverns. If you see something stir. Dont be so quick to pass it off as a simple hallucination.
Geographic Distribution


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