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Youkai Tanaka

King Arthur Youkai Tanaka (a.k.a. Shadowlurker)

Youkai Tanaka, The Shadowlurker, was a Wazoskan born and raised man. He never fully fit in with the traditions of of the Wazoskan people and was quite the delinquent. After trouble with the Yazuka Youkai would flee to North Selevin to start his own criminal network. Eventually after working under Ashton Halman Youkai would have his head blown off by the mercenary Chronos after backstabbing The Savages. Youkai Tanaka would be remade as a full body cyborg, holding the corpse of his former body inside, and only known thenforth   as the   Shadowlurker

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Youkai Tanaka as a human held a more dexterous form, something akin to a fence hopper. His hands were calloused and knuckles bruised with slight dents and misalignment. Long scars covered the left side of his face from fights he'd usually start.

Special abilities

Shadow Sink

Shadow Sink is Shadowlurkers special ability. Shadowsink has a multitude of uses mostly revolving around the ability of sinking into the shadows of any object. Shadowlurker can sink within any space of shadow but just like any opening shadowlurker must be able to fit in the shadow for him to go through it. Though Shadowlurker has learned to stick individual limbs into the shadows as well.

Mental characteristics


Youkai Tanaka only up to a secondary school education by the time he was on the streets. Tanaka dropped out of highschool due to his delinquency after violently beating up a rival schools students.    It would be about 6 years later before Shadowlurker, Now cyborged, would continue his education at least passed highschool dabbling in topics like Engineering and History with a little bit of literature. Combat would be taught by an upper member of the Crimson Banner and former military captain. He would train with Communist Manifesto

Morality & Philosophy

Showerlurkers morality is very very very dark shades of Grey. Shadowlruerk

Personality Characteristics


Motivation For Shadowlurker revolved around respect, money, and protection. He latched onto Yakuza members for safety and power and eventually sided with Ashton for protection and money. Eventually though after Cyborgification he came from desiring leadership to being a sidelined server. Again that shifted when he founded the Knights of the Round Table where his motivation shifted form keeping his "Kids" safe and dismantling organizations that seek to violate the rights of life.
Current Status
Date of Birth
5th of May, 1998
Date of Death
23rd of September, 2043
2000 ATK 2043 ATK 43 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Akae
Place of Death
Thin, Dark Blue
Short, Raven Black in a Samurai Top knot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skin
128 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Youkai Tanaka, as a cyborg, has the benefit of memorizing and storing several different languages he could access at a whim. At his height Shadowlurker knew about 9 different languages, 3 of them he was fluent in.
Languages Known Fluency
Engen Fluent
Wazoskan Fluent
Orumese Fluent
Chezekovian Professional
Arali Limited
Parin Limited
Prussen Professional
Inodosa Elementary
Huyuna Elementary


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