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Zagara's Invasion

Disaster / Destruction


Zagara's Invasion was one of the most important events in superzzz. Not only did it add many new races, but it completely changed the development of technology and life in the entire world.

2020 seemed like a slow year, not much happened and only small actions were made until that day in January. Several Unidentified Flying Objects Approached the moon. Thousands on earth rose up and began killing each other, hidden other the nose of the human a Hive Mind wormed its way on earth disabling defenses and catching the world off guard. The moon became a hive center as more and more Hive minded aliens and mutant beasts landed on the planet. In the span of 2 weeks earth was pushed to its last defenses. thefought,hive mindedtheledgoals,Jericho acting like a spirit guide to Chronos helped lead Chronos to Zagara's lair where they developed a bomb to kill her. Chronos stayed behind to activate it and while the timer ticked down time stopped. 1 second left on the bomb, Zagara herself about to release a torrent of explosions. Jericho and Chronos had one final goodbye and together Zagara were killed, the hive mind severed, tons of bodies scattered around, and many Aliens once under her control now free but lost on this strange world.

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