Filhonin Ethnicity in Suveon | World Anvil
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Filhonin are known to be a friendly, but quiet people. With exception of the cosmopolitan city of Zara, most Filhonin live quiet lives in small communities in the woods of Stormy Point or along the sea coast.


Shared customary codes and values

Filhonin value acceptance of others and will generally welcome strangers of all species. The welcome quickly fades, however, if the strangers stay more than a day and do not contribute to the community's well being.

Common Etiquette rules

When meeting a stranger, a Filhonin will smile and say, "I see you." This is often accompanied by a gesture where the person points to one of their eyes, then continues the gesture until they are pointing to the person they are speaking to.

Common Dress code

Perhaps in defiance of the elaborate coats of their motherland to the south or perhaps in deference to the warmer climate, the Filhonin tend to wear loose-fitting clothing. Men wear loose shirts with either no sleeves or longer, full sleeves tied at the wrist. Their trousers are also wide through the leg, though they are not tied off at the ankle. Leather shoes are worn. Women wear loose, ankle-length dresses with either no sleeves or long fuller sleeves left hanging open.

Wealthy Filhonin wear their loose clothing made of fine fabrics, but use very little decorations on them. Wealthy women wear very long dresses that may have to be lifted in front to avoid stepping on the hem. Fine ribbons are artfully tied to the torso to enhance the female shape without being ostentatious.

Art & Architecture

One of the first things that you will notice in Filhonin communities is a pole with one end buried into the earth and 6-8 foot (1.8-2.4 meter) rising straight into the air. The exposed portion of the pole is often intricately carved, usually with plants & animals, but sometimes with geometric patterns. In areas without shelter, the pole will often form the center post of a canopy to shelter people from the sun and rain. This post is known as the "Trading Post" and people will gather here on market days to buy and sell goods.

Wood carving is a major activity in Filhonin, both by professional crafters and by individuals. Often carved items are painted with paints made from local dyes.

Musical arts are also appreciated in Filhonin and wandering minstrels find a warm welcome in most homes.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Meals are usually made up of fish or meat accompanied by many small side dishes of fruit, vegetables, and fungi.

A musician is allowed to stay in a home for a day to exchange music & news for a meal and a place to sleep.

Common Taboos

Filhonin do not generally touch each other casually unless they are family members or trusted friends.

Discrimination against others is considered immoral.

Overly noisy group activities are frowned upon (except in Zara).

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