Agga Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Agga is the tired mom friend of the kobolds of Dragon's Rest that keeps the (more rambunctious) kobolds in line. After Rix, she has been in the cloister the longest of all the other kobolds. She speaks little and has no patience for nonsense. She starts out indifferent to the visitors, but if the PCs show respect for the cloister and help keep the kobolds in line, her attitude improves to friendly. Just like all the other kobolds, she works at night due to their sunlight sensitivity   Relation to other kobolds
  • Agga is fond of Blepp, Mumpo and Frub and views them as something like her children. Keeping them in line can get exhausting tho, especially the mischievous mumpo
  • Agga likes Kilnip and feels deeply worried for her insommnia
  • Agga likes Laylee and loves to hear about all she learned from Myla but cant really keep up with it.
  • Agga is on good terms with Myla , but there is not necessarily a friendship there
  • Agga has a good friendship with Rix, partly based on being the two that keep the others in line and help Runara the most
  • Agga has some weird tension with Zark, based on the fact that there is some attraction between them. Agga doesnt like how grumpy zark is towards the younger kobolds.
Attitude towards party   Indifferent
Lawful good
Current Status
Near the monastic cells, cleaning up after the younger kobolds
Current Residence
Yellow with slits
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red scaled skin with black spotted scales
Known Languages
Common, Draconic

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