Runara Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Elder Runara is the leader of Dragon's Rest. The human woman guides the residents of the cloister in their contemplation and study. According to the other residents of the cloister, she lives in the temple at the top of the island (area A5), or is otherwise in the library or checking on the rest of the residents- she never seems to sleep!   Runara's initial attitude towards the PCs is indifferent. She becomes friendly as soon as the PCs demonstrate that they care about the cloister's safety, such as by fighting the Drowned Sailors of undertaking any of the quests she offers them. If the PCs harm any of the residents of Dragon's Rest, she becomes hostile and insists the PCs make amends for the harm they did before she is willing to deal with them in any way. Runara is midly worried about Lily Rosene and sees that she got scared by the vision she saw   Some information Runara has:
  • If asked about the crashed ship, she suggests that the answer is likely to be found on an older wreck (Wreck of Compass Rose).
  • If asked about the Clifftop Observatory, she will say "Many have sought the knowledge contained in that place. I can direct you there, but first you need to show me you are worthy"
Attitude towards party   Indifferent
Ruled Locations

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