Clifftop Observatory Building / Landmark in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Clifftop Observatory

Clifftop Observatory
There are three options for reaching the site
  • By boat Dragon's Rest has a rowboat that the party can take around the eastern end of the island. The trip is 5 miles and takes 3 hours and 20 min. When the party arrives read the following:
    As you round the south eastern tip of the island, you can see crumbling ruins atop basalt columns just off the main island body. If you pull the boat ashore on the island, it would be an easy walk up to the top of the cliffs although there is no obvious bridge to the ruins. Alternatively you could tie the boat up at the bottom of the columns and try to climb directly up to the ruins. As you approach you hear a screeching roar and notice a winged, glittering blue shape swooping overhead
    The blue shape is Sparkrender flying by. Play a bit on the party's worry of him spotting them, but ultimately he passes without noticing them. The party see him come to rest on a rocky spire off the coast as he returns to his hoard.
  • Along the Coast Walking around the coast of the lsland is easier than rowing, and a quicker trip despite the party having to walk around the eastern bay. The trip is 6 miles and takes only 2 hours at a normal walking pace. Upon arrival read :
    Clambering over the rocky ground of Stormwreck Isle, you spot strange, twisted protrusions of glassy crystal jutting from the earth. The vegetation in this area bears reddish branching scars that form similar shapes. Suddenly you hear a screeching roar and notice a winged, glittering blue shape swooping overhead
    The blue shape is Sparkrender flying by. Play a bit on the party's worry of him spotting them, but ultimately he passes without noticing them. The party see him come to rest on a rocky spire off the coast as he returns to his hoard. A character that succeeds on a DC 10 Nature check recognises the scarred vegetation as the result of lightning strikes- or the lightning breath of a blue or bronze dragon.
  • Overland The party can walk south east from Dragon's Rest to the head of the bay, where a rough path cuts across the island to the eastern bay. The rocky ground of the island is difficult terrain, but this is still the fastest and most direct route. It takes 3.5 miles and 1 hour and 15 min. Upon arrival read:
    Clambering over the rocky ground of Stormwreck Isle, you spot strange, twisted protrusions of glassy crystal jutting from the earth. The vegetation in this area bears reddish branching scars that form similar shapes. Suddenly you hear a screeching roar and notice a winged, glittering blue shape swooping overhead
    The blue shape is Sparkrender flying by. Play a bit on the party's worry of him spotting them, but ultimately he passes without noticing them. The party see him come to rest on a rocky spire off the coast as he returns to his hoard. A character that succeeds on a DC 10 Nature check recognises the scarred vegetation as the result of lightning strikes- or the lightning breath of a blue or bronze dragon.
  The observatory is built on a series of basalt spires jutting up from the ocean at the south eastern tip of Stormwreck Isle. Almost all the structure's former ceilings and walls have crumbled away, exposing the ruins to the open air   Unless otherwise noted, the ruins are 30 feet above the ocean's surface. The rugged cliffs offer abundant hand-and-footholds, so a character who jumps or falls into the water and survives can climb back up without needing to make an ablility check


A broken and overgrown path winds to the edge of the cliff. The overlook is marked by two marble statues veined with gold, each carved in the shape of a dragon with its mouth open in a silent roar
  At the base of each statue is a small hexagonal indentation, about 1 inch wide and 2 inches deep- perfectly sized to accommodate the moonstone key Runara gave them. When the key is inserted into the base of either statue, magical light sparks to life in both statues' open mouths, and a shimmering bridge made of iridescent magical energy extends from the overlook to the observatory ruins (area D2). The bridge is sturdy and lasts until the key is removed from the statue
D2: Rotunda Ruins
Broken stone lines this plaza- fragments of elegant statues, once magnificent pillars, and shining marble walls. At the center, a tall sculpture of rusted planets and gilded stars spins idly in a jerky mimicry of celestial motion. A gargled screech suddenly rises from across the plaza. A half-dozen bat like creatures are swarming around two winged kobolds with blue paint smeared across their long snouts. The kobolds are fighting fiercely but they seem close to being overwhelmed
    Two winged kobolds are locked in battle with eight stirges. When the party enter the area, six of the stirges turn their attention to this new, juicier prey. The kobolds try to deal with the remaining two stirges, and then decide what to do based on what the party is doing. If the party actively help the kobolds during the battle, then the kobolds return the favour. If the party attack the kobolds instead of (or as well as) the stirges, the kobolds fight back. Otherwise the kobolds hang back, trying to stay out of the way until the fight is over.   Once the stirges have been defeated, if the kobolds survive, they approach the party. Their names are Mek and Min and they are the brothers of Myla. They left their sister for dead after the stirge attack that maimed her wings. They have sworn loyalty to Sparkrender and share the dragon's cruel haughty demeanour   If the party actively helped the kobolds or mention that Myla is alive, the kobold's attitude becomes friendly. They offer to introduce the party to their leader and help the party anyway they can (such as retrieving the moonstone from D1 so that the party can access D4) They won't help them fight Sparkrender though as they are loyal to the dragon.   Golden Sculpture The sculpture in the center of the rotunda is an astronomical model used for research in the centuries past. The sculpture depicts the planet of Toril (name of the word) and Selûne (the moon) as well as one comet with a very eccentric orbit. A PC who studies the sculpture can puzzle out its importance with a successful DC 15 arcana check; its current position suggest the comet will soon pass very close to Toril. Sparkrender plans to hold his ritual (Sparkrender's Ritual) when the comet is at its closest point. He believes that the comet, called the King-Killer Star, controls the destiny of dragons and will allow him to claim the power of the dragons who fell on Stormwreck Isle     Dragon Effigies The stirge attack interrupted the kobolds from their assigned task of preparing this site for Sparkrender's Ritual. With the wyrmling's help, they have crudely sculpted five chunks of ruble into vaguely draconic shapes and splashed each one with paint, and the other kobolds were in the process of arranging them around the metal sculpture. Each effigy has the name of the dragon it represents etched into it.
Name Effect
Astalagan Bronze
Clyssar Gold
Eldenemir Blue
Sharruth Red
Turadaer Brass
If the party ask the kobolds about the effigies, Mek and Minn swell with pride and explain that they have crafted them according to Sparkrender's instructions. The kobolds know that the effigies have some part to play in sparkrender's plan   Energy bridge anchors A pair of dragon statues like the ones in D1 stands on the west side of the rotunda, and another pair stands on the south west side. If the moonstone key is inserted into one of these statues, the western pair creates a bridge back to the overlook (D1) and the south western pair creates a bridge to a crumbled and isolated tower (D4)  
D3: Kobold Camp
A rickety bridge made of driftwood and rope spans the 15 foot gap between the rotunda (D2) and this structure  
Skittering sounds and whispers come from inside this ruined tower. Gaps in the stone are parched over with wooden planks and threadbare cloth
  Three kobolds (Ekrash, Erp and Hev ) and two winged kobolds (Nuhro and Snirke) currently inhabit this camp, polishing sling bullets and keeping busy until it's time for Sparkrender's Ritual. Initially, the kobolds are hostile toward the party, determined to scare of the intruders. They are susceptible to intimidation, though: as an action, a character can make a DC 13 Intimidation check, convincing them to back down on a succes   All the kobolds of clifftop observatory are lawful evil and cruel. Their initial reaction to outsiders is hostile, but they are more likely to warn intruders to leave the ruins than to immediately attack. They readily threaten violence and back up their threats with combat if necessary. As an action, a character can try to convince a hostile to have a conversation or allow them to explore the are with a DC 15 Intimidation, Deception or Persuasion skill The kobolds know the following:  
  • Kobold history The kobolds here have served Sparkrender for about a year. They revere the blue dragon as a semidivine figure and trust him to provide for their every need
  • Big plans Sparkrender has big plans that will allow him to manifest his full power. The wyrmling is waiting for the sculpture in the rotunda ruins (D2) to tell him it's time to act. The kobolds think it must be soon- maybe even today!
  • Dragon Visitor Not long ago, another dragon arrived. This other dragon was about Sparkrender's size, but looked like greenish-yellow metal. They remember hearing the two arguing at the observatory tower (D5), and they have heard the other dragon roaring and crashing around inside that tower (D6) since then
  • Caved-In wall Though the kobolds have been trying to tidy the ruins, Sparkrender told them specifically to not clean up the newly caved in wall at the base of the observatory tower (D6) visible from D3
D4: Isolated Study
No bridge spans the 22 foot gap between the rotunda and this spire, unless the moonstone key has been activated in the proper statue in D3. The pary might come up with any number of ingenious ways to cross the gap:
  • By asking the kobolds to retrieve the moonstone from area D1
  • Dive or climb down to the water below, swim over to the other column and climb back up to the study
  • Misty step spell to cross the gap and explore alone
The rhythm of the waves below echoes throughout this cramped tower. Part of the floor has crumbled away, dropping off into a chamber below. Amid the rubble, collapsed bookcases jut out at odd angles, and mouldering books are strewn across the floor
  Scholar's Journal Though most of the books have fallen apart, one tome- a small black journal with an ornate lock- remains in tact. A character who examines the books and succeeds on a DC 15 Perception check notices a small arcane rune above the keyhole on the journal's lock. A detect magic spell also senses a faint conjuration aura around the keyhole. This rune is a magical trap that triggers if the journal is opened without the use of its original key, which is long lost. A character who makes a successful DC 11 Arcana check can determine how to disarm the trap: by carefully scratching over the rune with a dagger/wire etc. Once this is done, the journal can savely be opened either by picking the lock with thieves' tools and making a successful DC10 dexterity check or by breaking the lock with a DC12 strength check. If the lock is opened without first disarming the trap, noxious green gas is spewed and the character that opened the lock takes 1d6 poison damage.   Inside the journal are star maps and notes on experiments with magic. One passage is underlined at the start of the journal. It reads in common: " To ye four scholars: point your eyes toward the Dragon's light, for it guides your descent into knowledge ". This is a clue to unlocking the hidden entrance in the observatory tower (D5)   Treasure A character who searches the tower and succeeds in a DC12 Investigation check finds a loose brick in the north west wall. Pulling the brick out reveals a hidden compartment containing a potion of lightning resistance, a pouch with 10 gp and a half ruined letter. On the letter is the following adres: "/Nelaerdra , Moonstone Ma/" and a sigil depicting an eye with two wings on its sides and four feathers below it. The only readable text is " /riment shows promising results. Results retains similiar but less potent characteristics to ripplebark". This letter refers to an experiment to create the secretly built draconic food source called longbite ordered by the steel dragon Zundaerazylym (also known as Amundra Nelaerdra), the leader of the softclaws.  
D5: Observatory Tower
  Standing taller than the rest of the observatory, the main floor of this tower is 45 feet above the ocean's surface, which puts it 15 feet above the rotunda (D2). The kobolds have constructed a rough pulley lift so the wingless kobolds can reach this area when Sparkrender summons them
  As you cross the roughly constructed pulley lift, you see the entrance of the observatory tower above you. The tower is partly in ruins, with the base of the northwestern wall caved in. Rays of light dance across the remains of this tower's stained glass dome, making iridescent colours shimmer across the crumbled marble walls. Gilded lines and jewelled inlays form a detailed star map spanning the dusty floor. Four alabaster statues of scholars stand around the perimeter of the room, their expressions worn with time. Each ten-foot-tall statue is pointing or gesturing in a different direction.
    Curled in the north east corner of the tower is a lithe blue dragon. Lightning arcs around his horns and snout as he slumbers amid a scattered collection of coins and glittering jewels   Sparkrender the blue dragon wyrmling is currently sleeping here, curled up against the north east wall. This presents the party with an important choice: they can awaken the dragon and fight him now, or they can sneak past the dragon, find a way into the secret library below (D6). To emphasise that the party has this choice, Mek or Minn can be used to remind the party that there is another dragon around.   Sneaking around If the characters move quietly around the area, they can avoid waking Sparkrender as long as at least half of them succeed on a DC 14 stealth check. If the party wants to try to turn the statues without waking Sparkrender, the north and east statues require a DC 14 stealth check. If failed, the turning wakes the dragon   Waking the dragon If awakened, Sparkrender is hostile towards the party, growling and barking threats in Draconic. Anyone that speaks draconic can try to convince the dragon not to attack by making a DC 12 Deception, intimidation or persuasion check. If succeeded, sparkrender will immediately boast about his grand ambitions. If no party member succesfully intervenes or if they mention Aidron or Runara , sparkrender snarls and attacks.   Despite his youth, sparkrender is a fearsome foe and a loathsome villain. He uses Breath Weapon on his first turn and every round its available thereafter. Some possible dialogue for during the battle is:  
  • "You pests will not stand in my way! I will claim the might of my ancestors!"
  • "Get out of here before I tire of this game and end you all"
  • "Chromatic dragons are the rightful rulers of this world. Bow down to the children of Tiamat !
  • ""Enough of this! This work is too important to be hindered by the likes of you!"
    The dragon fights until reduced to 10 hp, at which point he swears vengeance against the party and attempts to flee the island.  
  • "I swear by Eldenmir the raging storm and the five heads of tiamat, you will pay for this insult!"
  If the party flees, Sparkrender will not persue but taunts them as they run.  
  • "Yes! Flee before my might, as all will flee when I claim my inheritance"
  If Sparkrender is defeated, they hear a growling and yelping coming from below them (Area D6)   Hidden Entrance Each of the four statues can be rotated on its base. To unlock the hidden entrance to the secret archive, each statue must be rotated so its points at the constellation called the dragon of dawn on the floor's star map.   If the party found the clue in D4, they might search the star map for a constellation that looks like a dragon. A character that searches the floor and succeeds on a DC10 Investigation check finds a constellation resembling a dragon in the south east quadrant of the floor.   In lieu of that clue, a character that succeeds in a DC15 perception check notices worn grooves in the base of each statue, suggesting the statues can be turned on their bases. While turning a statue a character can make a DC10 Perception check: If succeeded the character realises the statue settles slightly when its pointing to the south east quadrant of the room.   Once each statue is in its correct position, a semi circular section at the center of the floor begins to glow before descending into the library (D6). It forms a spiral staircase leading down to the floor of the library. When any statue is rotated out of its position, the staircase rises back up, sealing the library shut once more.   Treasure Sparkrender's hoard consists of 4500 cp, 2200 sp, 130 gp, 5 pale blue quartz crystals (10 gp each), 5 blue jasmine stones (50 gp each), a waterproof leather case holds a blue silk fan painted wiht powdered blue gems (25 gp), a crude flute with a pleasing sound, hourglass filled with sparkling sand and a set of seven candlesticks.  
D6: Secret Library
  This space was formerly a hidden archive of knowledge, accessible only to those who knew the observatory's secrets. However, the walls of the tower are crumbling- a fact that Sparkrender used to trap Aidron here. After weakening the bronze wyrmling, sparkrender forced him into the library and then caused one of the walls to cave in, sealing the exit. If the character don't use the secret entrance in D5, they can attempt to clear away the rubble from the cave-in to acces the secret library. To acces the rubble, the party must climb down and swim to the bottom of this spire. Clearing the rubble takes one character 30 min. If the party is trying to clear the rubble quietly, it takes twice as long and at least half of the party must succeed on a DC14 stealth check to avoid waking Sparkrender  
Stale air heavy with the smell of old parchment floods your nostrils. The walls are lined with shelves stuffed full of old tomes and yellowing scrolls. Glass cases, toppled over and shattered, have strewn their contents across the stone floor. The sound of splintering wood echoes through the space and a moment later you see an agitated bronze dragon the size of a bear, picking himself up from the wreckage of the old desk he apparently crashed into
    Aidron the bronze dragon wyrmling excitedly greets the party when they enter. He has spend days trying to dig his way throughout the caved-in wall, but his efforts from inside only caused further collapse. He is eager to escape, but if asked, he explains his conflict with Sparkrender. He expresses regret over his inability to defeat the blue wyrmling and concern over the Island's other inhabitants. And he is terrified of the fate Sparkrender has in store for him- the blue dragon plans to use Aidron's death to claim the power of all the dead dragons on the island, transforming himself into a mighty draconic avatar.   If the party has not yet defeated Sparkrender, Aidron decides to face the blue dragon himself. He flies to the top of the observatory(D5) to confront Sparkrender once more. However, Aidron is too weak to defeat Sparkrender alone, He will need the party's help Once Sparkrender is defeated, the bronze dragon is excited to return to Dragon's Rest with the party.   Treasure Most of the books are too weathered to read. On a DC15 Investigation check, a +1 battleaxe and a scroll of hold person can be found. A detect magic spell finds these without needing a check, and Aidron can also point the party to these items

Purpose / Function

In recent months, Sparkrender has taken te observatory as his home.


In its hayday, the observatory was a marvel of magical innovation, with it's stained glass windows and towers connected by shimmering bridges of magical energy. However in Runara  and Eldenemir 's battle it became a ruin, a crumbled memory overtaken by nature
100 years ago
Founding Date
Centuries ago

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