Gilded Traitor Plot in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Gilded Traitor

The Gilded Gallows has put out a contract to find the high-ranking member of them who turned traitor, killed their partner and fled with a sovereign's ransom in treasure. The trail went cold in Neverwinter, but due the proximity and its community of hermits, there is reason to suspect that the target (or at least thetreasure) is on Stormwreck Isle   The gilded traitor is Tarak , who did in fact betray the guild, but the story has been twisted. Tarak's last assignment for the guild was to kill his lover, a traitor. They attempted to flee, but his lover was killed by another assasin. Tarak escaped, but no treasure was involved.   If the PCs pry into Tarak's past his attitude shifts-first to indifferent, then to hostile if the PCs continues to push. When he's hostile, his demeanour becomes cold and clipped, and he avoids them if he can. A gold hangman's noose is worked into the design of his tattoos. A character who studies the tattoos and succeeds on a DC15 history check or has a criminal background recognises the mark as the symbol of the Gilded Gallows Tarak does not willingly discuss the details of his past with anyone, but trusted friends. If asked about the hit / "treachery", he explains that he has left the life of crime- and perhaps anyone else should do the same
Plot type
Scene: Tarak's past
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