Tarak Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Tarak is the botanist of the Dragon's Rest and tends to the cloister's garden plots, growing flowers, herbs and vegetables. He is eager to share his knowledge of herbalism.   Tarak has traded with the myconids in the Seagrow Caves on the southwest side of stormwreck Isle, giving foodscraps and other cloister waste for rare fungi that grow in their caves. Recently though the myconids have rejected his visits. Tarak is eager to reestablish contact with the myconids of the sea caves. He asks the PCs to visit the caves and find out whats wrong with the myconids and bring him back some heart cap mushrooms. He warns them about the fungal octopus the myconids have created as a guardian and tells them they'll probably have to fight the creature to gain acces to the caves. He gives them a foul-smelling sack of food scraps they can give the myconids as a gesture of friendship and two poitions of healing . (continue with Seagrow Caves) He tells them they can walk of take a rowboat towards the caves.   He is initially friendly towards visitors, but if they pry into his past his attitude shifts-first to indifferent, then to hostile if the PCs continues to push. When he's hostile, his demeanour becomes cold and clipped, and he avoids them if he can. A gold hangman's noose is worked into the design of his tattoos. A character who studies the tattoos and succeeds on a DC15 history check or has a criminal background recognises the mark as the symbol of the Gilded Gallows Tarak does not willingly discuss the details of his past with anyone, but trusted friends. He and keg are on kind of thin ice
Attitude towards party   Friendly
True Neutral
Current Status
Working on a garden plot filled with Oleander and Fox gloves
Current Residence
Gray blue
Auburn hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned pale skin with many freckles
Related Plots
Known Languages

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