Meeting the inhabitants of Dragon's Rest in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Meeting the inhabitants of Dragon's Rest

While walking on the path to Dragon's Rest, read the following
Your arrival quickly draws the attention of the entire population of the place - which consists mostly of kobolds. These small, reptilian folk eye you curiously while a couple of humans watch from a distance. All the cloister's residents are dressed in simple clothes, and no one carries a visible weapon. One of the kobolds pipes up with, "What's your name?" At that, all the kobolds begin barraging you with questions- "Where are you from?""What's that?" "Why are you here?" and more that are lost in the din
Visitors to the cloister are rare, and the kobolds' curiosity is insatiable; they keep asking questions until the characters insist they stop. When the characters quiet the Kobold  , the leader of the cloister approaches to welcome the characters. Read the following
The chattering kobolds fall silent as a new figure comes into view, descending gracefully from the upper part of the cloister. She's an elderly human woman with weathered tanned skin, white hair in tight braids, and kindly hazel eyes, dressed in a simple white robe. She smiles as she draws near and extends her arms in greeting. "Welcome to Dragon's Rest" she says "May Bahamut's guidance lead you to whatever you seek"
This is elder Runara, the leader of Dragon's Rest. If the PC's defeated the zombies at the beach, she thanks them for their service to the cloister. Even if they did not fight te zombies, she tells them that they're welcome to stay at Dragon's rest as long as they whish, sleeping either in one of the monastic cells (area A1) or in the temple (area A5) and eating with the rest of the community in the dining room (A3). Runara says nothing about payment of any kind. If the PCs offer to give money or preform services around the cloister in exchange for her hospitality, she accepts these gifts.   Allow the PC's to explore the cloister and meet the inhabitants of Dragon's Rest

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