Patriarch Ruvyn Xilro Character in Swordsrest | World Anvil
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Patriarch Ruvyn Xilro

The Founder of The Order of the Holy Flame. Patriarch Ruvyn Xilro was originally a petty mage, who travelled between cities and towns with caravans, selling potions and magic trinkets. On the 1st of Icereach, his caravan was attacked by a number of undead. As they struggled to hold them back, Ruvyn heard the voice of Urzor and was blessed with the Lustral Flame. He raised his staff and fought back the undead with the Holy Flame. The caravan was thankful for his rescue- he taught them how to make the Holy Flame, and charged them to travel the world, keeping down the undead. They were the first members of The Order of the Holy Flame.
Aligned Organization


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