Urzor Character in Swordsrest | World Anvil
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Urzor (Er-zor)

Summary   Father God of the sun. Mated with Payas, the Sky Goddess, fathering Dŷw (Goddess of the land), and Birezor (God of the Sea). Member of the Tetralogy. God of the sun, fire, sunrise, destruction, death, the grave, and summer. He existed before the world, he plucked out his right eye to make the sun, and he mated with Payas and she gave birth to the earth (Dŷw ) and the sea (Birezor ). He resides in the divine realm.   Description   He appears in human form as a hugely tall man with a broad, gaunt face, dark olive skin, and long beard. He has one golden eye and one empty socket, and a golden circle emblazoned upon his face. He may also appear as a flame.   Worship   Primarily by prayer and sacrifice of animals.   Religious Orders
Order Leader Primary Sect Location Types of Order
The Order of the Holy Flame Patriarch Vitalian Kor See of Frelor Apostolic/Martial
Paragons of the Fiery Shield Zor Crescente Curiale Drauk Martial
Followers of the Ancient Light Unknown Unknown Unknown
The Bright Fire Shaman Ganoh Ambina  Zrag Apostolic/Martial
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