The Order of the Holy Flame Organization in Swordsrest | World Anvil
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The Order of the Holy Flame

The primary religious sect of Urzor . They believe in the cleansing power of the Holy Flame. They worship Urzor through fire. The order believes Urzor is the master over death, so they consider all undead a defilement of the natural order. Select members of their order travel across the land to fight and cleanse any undead with fire. For these members, their proximity to the grave and the plane of death saps their vitality and youth faster than time could.
Funeral rites are held at sunrise- when Urzor's light begins anew. Their preferred method of interment is cremation.   The leader of this order, and also the See of Frelor is Patriarch Vitalian Kor . The Order of the Holy Flame holds most of the power in the See under his direction, he also has a lot of influence over the other orders of Urzor.   Previous patriarchs used to name their successors - it is now done by a vote in the upper echelons of the church, which leads to a lot of politicking. Each Patriarch carries Xilro Baculus, the staff of office/ power of the Patriarch- it was originally Patriarch Ruvyn Xilro's staff and has been passed from patriarch to patriarch. Their symbol is the Lustral flame - the first Holy Flame. They are well known for killing the undead and being a powerful, prosperous order that runs the See of Frelor. They have a great library there, but a person must petition the Ecclesiarch for access, and they will decide which wings they would be allowed access to. They are well-liked by some common folk for their protection against the dead but disliked by others for their overzealousness.
Censer of a Cleric of the Holy Flame

Divine Origins

The Order of the Holy Flame was founded by Patriarch Ruvyn Xilro, who heard the voice of Urzor and was blessed with the Lustral Flame. The Lustral Flame is the original Holy Flame and burns eternal in the Ignis Temenos (The Temple of Fire) in Solopolis. He was gifted the Lustral Flame on the 1st of Icereach, this gift is celebrated each year in the Ritual of the First Flame.

Tenets of Faith

Worship of the small gods - the "Afterlings, as they call them - is forbidden by them. Worship of the rest of the Tetralogy is allowed, but considered lesser than Urzor by them, and may hamper any social or political improvements to an individual's station. They have vestements they wear, with different details and accoutrement signalling their station in the order. All ordainments happen at the Ignis Temenos (the Temple of Fire). They do not recognize marriages conducted by religions outside the Tetralogy. Clergy are forbidden from raising the dead - the balance between the living and the dead is important.


They mainly worship through prayers and sacrificial offerings, such as a lamb or goat, as well as having a tithing system upon their followers.

All will be cleansed by the Holy Flame

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Holy Flame/ The Bruners
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles

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